Day 21 – GDT – On a Mission & Fine Hitching to Golden

“Never mistake motion for action.” ~Ernest Hemingway

July 26

Helmet Falls to Field (Yo Ho National Park) – 17.1

We are back into the wild. I feel my best here. My body relaxes, I breath better, and love the anticipation of what is around the next bend. It is why I am here.

Everything just fell into place today.

  1. Cruised 17 miles through easier terrain, well except for some nasty logs over the trail to make it to Field to pick up resupply

  2. Got a great hitch to Field by a girl that knows Keith and Leslie in Banff! Seriously, it is true.

  3. Picked up resupply we sent to Fireweed Hostel in Field. Ate and drank a glass of wine before hitching to Golden

  4. Another amazing hitch in a motor home with a beautiful family from the Netherlands 45 minutes to Golden.

  5. Groceries and shower zzzzzzzzzzzzzz at the Rondo Motel


First bear scat since entering National Parks – Back into the wild places
The trail crosses through messy avalanche shoots
Why Not skillfully going up, over and through fallen log mess
Now she is thrashing through bushes
Otter Tail Creek ( we followed this most if the day but couldn’t actually see the river through the trees)
Nice patrol station setting
Another glimpse of the Otter Tail


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  1. Marilyn Crabtree

    Loved the photos of Otter Tail Creek. Loving the other views of the mountains and trees. Bear scat looks fresh so be watchful.

  2. It’s a small world in the hiker community. What and experience. Glad your day went so well. I’d be hating all the falldowns and bushwacking but that’s just me. GoRockin’Go!

  3. Lucy Grittman

    Wow – such beauty. Looks like pretty fresh bear scat – hope you don’t encounter one!!! Love your pictures.

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