Day 5 TST Part 2 – Easy Forest and Lakeshore Rescue

“The long distance hiker, a breed set apart,
From the likes of the usual pack.
He’ll shoulder his gear, be hittin’ the trail;
long gone, long ‘fore he’ll be back.” – M.J. Eberhart

October 3

Courtright Reservoir to Badger Flat Trailhead – 15 miles

I looked out my tent in the middle of the night and saw a sky full of bright stars. What a beautiful sight after a day of cold and rain.

Morning brought clouds, a chance a rain, and hiking to a zero day off. That meant no worrying to get everything dry, plenty of food to eat, and a soft warm bed.

The trail was clear, gentle, soft, and traveled from one high meadow to another.

Just as we reached Kaiser Pass Road the rain started coming down in buckets! We had 5 miles to hitch hike down to Huntington Lake. Arrow and I remembered that we might have cell service and quickly called the Lakeshore Resort to ask if they could pick us up. Brandy answered the phone. After a bit of explaining they sent help. The temps were dropping so we started walking down the road in a full downpour. What seemed like minutes, a big truck pulled up to rescue us. The heater was blasting and a big smile greeted us.

This is the slow season at Lakeshore Resort, so most everything has limited hours or is closed.

We are thankful to be in a cute little cabin with our resupply boxes, showers, food, and wine.

The sun came through for a brief moment
Dog Tooth Peak
Helms Meadow
High Meadow Walking
Dog Tooth from a Distance

Nature Art
Aspen among Granite
Creek in the fall


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  1. Lucy Grittman

    Even in the rain it is beautiful. Glad you have a zero day to dry out!!

  2. Very nice. I see you took the TST proper which makes a lot of sense with the weather not being the best. With a little more time and better weather I strongly suggest taking the Dinkey Lakes alternate which is quite scenic.

  3. Hi Rockin’, just stunning photos you have shared. Really like the Nature Art and Dog Tooth Peak photos.

    So glad you got a ride to town in the warm pickup!

  4. Marilyn Crabtree

    Amazed to see aspens growing among the rocks. Beauty is all around. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

  5. Randy Godfrey

    I’m so enjoying this and never tire of your beautiful photos!

  6. Glen Van Peski

    Love the Nimblewill Nomad quote!

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