Day 36 – GDT – Just Keep Walkin’ Walkin’ No Matter What!

“Let’s just talk about this later over pie.”

~Grey’s Anatomy

August 10

Below Centre Pass to 5th Ford of Moose River – 20.7 miles

On a mission…

Longest day ever.

The weather forecast calls for rain for the next 2 days with cold temps. This next section has lots of deep or swift water fords. When it rains the rivers rise and swell. So we made a plan to just go until all the fords of the Upright, Steppe, and 5 fords of the Moose Rivers are crossed.

BUT we underestimated the poor condition of the trail. The tread was either in mud, brush, or going up and over logs in a large 1998 large burn area. In other words it was slow going, plus smoke continued throughout the day.

While hiking we actually saw an intrepid family hiking this section. They were prepared with lots of gear and were also concerned about the fords and the upcoming weather. I hope they made it or turned around.

In the later afternoon while going through a particularly muddy, brushy, burn area, Why Not snagged her inner calf on a sharp branch while going up and over a log. It took like a 2 inch chunk in her leg. The skin is a big flap in a shape of a half circle. It really needed stitches.

She washed it off. I applied Helicrysm Essential oil, added 3 steri -strips, covered it with water proof big bandaids and off we went.

She is very tough.

We finished the last ford of the day and literally threw our packs down on the other side of the Moose River to camp at 10:00 pm!

8 fords done! Boom.

Early morning beauty
Sunrise in the smoke
Meadow walking
Nice log crossing
First view of the Moose River
The ford at Upright Creek
Moose River beauty
Heading one more time into the Moose River
One more time into the Moose River
Moose River
Moose River


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  1. Oh my goodness, what a long, tough day! I hope Why Not’s leg will be okay. The river crossings look so scary, but you did it! And even though there was smoke, the mountain photos are still beautiful.

  2. Wow, what a day! You two are so well prepared for whatever comes your way. I have been following your blog since meeting you several summers ago in Tuolomne Meadows and this is one of your most wonderful adventures yet. Love your spirit, your photos, your positive attitude and beautiful smile. The Moose River looks absolutely beautiful. Wishing you safe travels.

  3. Marjolaine Cottrel

    Dear Rockin
    Thank you for your fantastic blog. I have been following it for a few months and it helped me prepare for a 9 day hike this summer in Corsica. I admire your toughness and optimism and read your adventures avidly. I would love to hike one of those wonderful trails, hopefully in 2019. For now I wish you and Why Not good luck for the last days of your hike.
    Marjolaine (France)

  4. You two really surprise in all that you do and how much you can take. You are tough, robust, skinny ladies of the trail! And we all admire you very much.

  5. Marilyn Crabtree

    So sorry for the gash on the leg. Praying no infection sets in. You two are definitely sturdy hikers from the looks of various river crossings. Almost near the end. In fact, I thought I saw on FB that you had completed the 600 miles but the blog is from this morning. Be safe.

  6. There’s no substitute for a good emergency kit! Glad it happened near the end of your trip if it had to happen at all. Wow, what a slog.

  7. You and Nancy are very rugged people. I thought the unkept trail to Miette Cabin was going to be a bad day.

  8. All I can say is WOW !!

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