Day 34 – GDT – The Real Trail

Today is a different journal entry.

The zero day in Jasper was restorative and we hit the trail tomorrow morning for our last 4 day section to the grand finish of The Great Divide Trail at Mount Robson.

Why Not was kind enough to share the following photos that tell quite a different trail story. It isn’t always picture perfect.

Even more photos from Why Not in upcoming post.



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  1. Great photos. They really do convey the challenge of the trail. But the smiles convey the great time you’re having.

  2. Miles of smiles. Adversity and challenges ensures great adventure stories and memories. I still want to be like the two of you when I grow up. I bet one regret will be the umbrella decision. You and I share temperature sensitivities; WhyNot and Joan share adaptation skills.

  3. I must ditto Warren’s comment! True joy that time in the wild only enhances 🙂

  4. Those are photos – great photos – of someone having the time of their lives .. even if it takes a while to sink in!
    Is the raincover for the rucksack worth having? I seam sealed my gorilla and it stayed waterproof .. and my Arc Blast was waterproof out of the box .. but if it wasn’t, I would use a liner for preference

  5. Marilyn Crabtree

    Looks like you saw beauty and the beast with the rivers. I noticed almost waist high in the river and mosquito netting on your caps. Oh well, you have done exceedingly well. And it sounds like the end is getting nearer. Keep up your spirits and all those beautiful photos. We will watch until the very end. You two have spunk!!

  6. Great post! It seems no matter how tough the going gets you both still have a smile on your faces! I think only the wilderness can do that.

  7. Lucy Grittman

    Gotta take the good with the bad!! Love the pictures – Too close to the end tho!!! Will miss your blogs when it is over. Have fun

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