Day 3 TST Part 2 – Falling for Fall

“Be happy – it drives people crazy.” Unknown

October 1

Gnat Meadow to just past Fall Creek – 18.5 miles

The trail today was gentle and easy to follow.

Hiking late season is so quiet and solitary. Lovely really.

My Inreach weather report predicts rain and dropping temps in the next couple of days. Much different than the report we got before leaving on this trip. That just might be a problem.

Before Sunrise – Hay Meadow
Fall Ferns
Crown Lake
View down to Crown Lake while climbing Crown Pass
Climbing Crown Pass
Halfmoon Lake
Such Beauty
NEW TENT! The One by Gossamer Gear. Loooove it!


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  1. Marilyn Crabtree

    I love the photo of Halfmoon Lake and the aspens changing color. Be careful of the weather.

  2. Rockin’, you definitely have the photographic eye!

    Would to like to hear a bit about your new tent when you have time.

  3. Great photos…motivates me to get back out there! I’m intrigued by your Gossamer tent. What features do you like about it? Is it roomy enough to sit up / dress in?

  4. Fall is one of my favorite times to be in the backcountry, however around that time of the year my trips are rather short as the weather is less predictable and forecasts can only be trusted for the next couple of days.

  5. Your pictures are unreal! What kind of camera do you use? I know it’s not the camera but the photographer that makes the great shots – but just asking. ?

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Gina, Thank you! I have 2 cameras that I use. The Panasonic Lumix LX7 and the Sony A6000. I like both of them.

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