Organize Your Backpacking Trips with Google Drive

The mere anticipation of something can bring you joy.

This is one of my favorite times of the year. Backpacking trip planning time.

Planning and preparing for short or long backpacking trips, thru hikes, and day hikes can be intimidating and overwhelming. I have used the same trip planning system for a few years. In my experience, it is much easier to execute and make a trip happen if all the resources are at the ready.

My system is simple, uses Google Drive, and it works.

Using Google Drive is the perfect way to keep things organized for current trips, for trips scheduled for the future, and to archive trips completed. The system is very flexible. When life gets in the way or another opportunity presents itself, a folder containing all the gathered beta for a trip can be easily moved to another year. For example, I moved 6 trips that didn’t happen in 2022 to this year’s folder.

How we organize information is very personal. For example, spreadsheet lovers of the world will not find find a single one here. If you end up using this system or create a hybrid, or just want to share your system, please comment below. In the end, it is really about getting out and the power of putting one foot in front of the other.

Have fun out there everyone. Let’s get planning!

1. Start by Dreaming BIG!

Start identifying your dream trips. Identify your WHY. That really gets the motivation going. Guidebooks, Internet sources, podcasts, and other hikers are awesome resources.

2. Make Google Vision Folders

Create a Google Folder “Hiking Trips 2023”, then add sub folders for each Dream trip you would like to plan. It is then easy to add maps, data sheets, guidebooks etc. in each folder. If a trip doesn’t come together this year for one reason or another, just move that file to next year. How cool is that? Here is what I have been working on this week.

3. Add a “Trip Itinerary Template” File to Each Folder

This is where the magic really happens, keeping all that information organized and ready when it is time to start that trip.

4. Add Information to “Trip Itinerary” As You Go

As you gather links, ideas, maps, timetables, permit requirements, regulations etc add details on “The Trip Itinerary” of each trip you are planning. Hiking with a buddy or group? Share your folder. If you want them to add information, be sure to choose “Editor” in permissions. That way all can participate in the planning process.

5. Stay Organized with “Backpacking/Thru Hike Trip Planning Checklist”

Use this checklist from the beginning stages of planning to the day you hit the trail. A checklist can be super helpful to stay on track for successful and safe hikes.

Free Planning Resources

Interested in lightening your pack or knowing what gear to pack for different conditions? Check out my Updated for 2023 Gear List page.

Need ideas for preparing backpacking food?

Just getting started backpacking and would love excellent detailed instruction on planning and executing trips? I recommend reading Adventure Ready by Katie Gerber & Heather Anderson.

Looking for Fresh Hiking Trip Ideas?

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  1. Great tips for trip planning! Using Google Drive to organize all your hiking trip details is practical and efficient. Dream big and stay organized!

  2. Amanda Swiderek

    Great site!! Love the pics and advice.

    Amanda Swiderek

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