Day 28 – GDT – Cataract Pass & Fatigue

Never seen a Hertz with a trailer hitch…you can’t take it with you. ~Kristian Bush

August 2

Pinto Lake to below Cataract Pass – 15.3 miles (White Goat Wilderness)

First off, readers I want to thank you for your support, encouragement, and comments. It is so helpful when I read your thoughts, questions, and observations. Thank you. Thank you!!! Keep them coming! Please hang in there for my responses. They will be coming. So now for the trail journal.

Today was not my day.

Everything was off…my energy, balance, and my attitude. On top of that, the first 13 miles of the day was lots of cross-country travel, then on trail with lots of brush and downed logs to go up and over, and through a deep thick forest. What made it really creepy was the abundant amount of fresh grizzly scat, prints, and diggings along or on the trail. That made me even more cranky and scared.

Really think that my intake of salt is too low. My future plan…make sure at second breakfast I am eating some salt. I brought plenty.

After thrashing through the forest for hours we were grandly rewarded with the breathtaking Cataract Pass. As we climbed the wind picked up, temps lowered, and then the rain. It made for a super dramatic climb and descent.

This section area of the GDT is a favorite of many, including our friend Leslie. I can certainly see why.

This is Pete who gave us the best trail magic at the end of the Sierra High Route
Cataract Creek
Modern day pictograph hiker
Opening up from the dense forest
Entrance to Cataract Pass
Cataract Pass ahead
Beauty on the way up
Why Not on the way up – rain coming
Top of Cataract Pass
Can you believe these lakes? Other side of Cataract Pass
Crazy wind and cold!
I just had to take another!
Best campsite of the trip! Don’t you think?

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  1. You are quite the pair, you two.. very impressive walking, very impressive scenery, fantastic photos .. but never mind the lakes, just look at that amazing granite wall behind!

  2. Yes, best campsite of the trip. Your sunrise photo was so good that it felt like I was there. Of course, I didn’t get to experience the wind and cold. 🙂

  3. Marilyn Crabtree

    Oops. I didn’t complete my name.

  4. I just love the rivers and mountains of Canada. You don’t let anything keep you from continuing the hike even when the realty of the bushes, logs, rivers and mountain peaks may cause you to turn back. Looking forward to the rest of your journey.

  5. Those lakes! Beautiful pictures once again. You guys rock!!! Please tell Why Not hello. I met her on a hike with Scott Williams on Burma Rd. Mt Diablo. I’ve tried to post on her blog but can’t for some reason. I’m hooked on reading about you two. Rock on !

  6. you ladies are awesome !!
    I may have misssd your comment
    have you see any wolves, grizzlies, mountain lions or lynx

  7. “Crazy wind and cold!” -And a huge smile. Guess you didn’t mind the wind and cold. That’s rad!

    That campsite is also rad, especially in light of the spots you’ve had so far.

  8. Lite salt is better…but you might think about getting more than just salt, a supplement that provides a buffered electrolyte capsule like “Saltstick” or another of this type. from the internet “A quarter teaspoon of Morton’s Lite Salt contains 360 milligrams of potassium and 300 milligrams of sodium, compared to no potassium and 575 mg of sodium in regular table salt. Both potassium and sodium are important electrolytes in your body.” Hike on! 🙂

    • I used Hammer ENDUROLYTES on my Oregon PCT section. I think they helped immensely since I don’t like sweet drinks and was not heat acclimated.

  9. Lucy Grittmanl

    Wow – the beautiful parts make up for the not so much fun parts of the trail. Love you camp spot too. Thanks again for the great pictures!!

  10. There’s a story about a student who goes to his meditation teacher feeling downtrodden, discouraged, exhausted, but still knowing there’s something worth pursuing. One day, after lots of encouragement, he comes to see his teacher and says “look at this…” and on his palms he’s had tattooed on one “I Love You” and on the other, “Keep Going.” I love following along and cheer you on with each blog post. Keep going!

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