Way Wired!

“Technology: No Place for Wimps!”
~Scott Adams – American Cartoonist

Wired, Blister, and Wandering Dot

There is now a new generation of Pacific Crest Trail hikers that are literally armored with technology off and on the trail. For example, in the photo above (BTW the photo was NOT set-up in any way) hikers Wired, Blister, and Wandering Dot are:
1. posting to their online trail journals
2. uploading trail photos and video to be posted online
3. responding to reader comments on their trail journals
4. checking and answering emails
5. talking to family and friends on cell phones
6. ordering replacement gear to be sent ahead to a post office that they later can pick up
7. calling manufacturers to replace faulty equipment such as the SPOT, a location and emergency transmitter.
8. reading other PCT hiker’s trail journals for their locations, recommendations, and trail plans
9. texting friends and family
10. watching favorite TV programs through Hulu
11. using Craig’s online PCT Planner to plan resupplies
12. accessing the latest snow conditions in the Sierra
13. getting the latest weather reports
14. printing out labels for resupply boxes
15. charging cell phones, solar chargers, and MP3 players
16. entering trip data

All this amazingly enough…and all the while they are relaxing with a cup of coffee.

It was great to have this group of PCTers stay for a couple of zero days. Zero days are when hikers get all their business done, rest, and do not hike. For the past few months, I have been exchanging gear ideas online with fellow women hikers, Wired and Wandering Dot through our online hiking blogs. I was super excited to visit with them in person.

Blister, Rockin', Wandering Dot, Wired, Top Shelf, Dan
We all had fun with the group eating, laughing, reflecting, and talking about the trail. I was lucky to come away with the know how to make my own windscreen for my alcohol stove and tips such as: storing snacks in my crocs while hiking, how to efficiently hang  my Power Monkey solar charger from my pack, and a plethora of snack and dinner ideas. It was just fantastic.

Wired, Blister, Top Shelf, and Wandering Dot at Cameron Road Trail Head
Heading into the Southern Sierras

Farewell and thanks for a great visit. You all have a great hike, we will be following you online!

View additional visiting PCT Hiker Photos on Flickr


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  1. Pingback: Guest Blogger- "Wired" on Pacific Crest Trail Relationships

  2. Thanks Rockin. Some new feeds to enjoy reading. Keep up the Trail magic.

    Cheers from Oz,

    • Always good to hear from Oz! Following hikers is food for the soul I think. I just love it! AND you get to make friends from all over the world! A pretty big perk for just reading along and taking the time to comment once in awhile. Here’s to hiking vicariously.

  3. There is something to be said for being able to follow one trail and so many different individuals experiences along it, all at the same time.

    • That is what I love about the whole PCT experience! Great observation. We are hoping you will be here in Tehachapi before June 24. Good to hear from you on the trail.

  4. I read your blog in Europe. Loved telling my friends about your passions. Waiting for info on your trip.

    • Boy, I am honored. Trip plans have changed a bit due to snow and potential deep stream crossings. I will be posting updated plan soon. It would be great if some of your friends decide to follow along the trail and SNOW this summer for a 6 week adventure.

  5. Great post and pics! Enjoying an unplanned break in Lake Isabella trying to wait for snow to magically disappear! I’m bummed about these breaks in signal. Doesn’t the woods know that Wired has a journal to send out!?

    • The woods do know… that is why they are holding back!!!!!! They want you to experience all they have to offer without interference. Don’t you know? We loved having you guys here! Thank you for making us part of your PCT experience.

  6. I’ve been following this group of hikers through Wired’s blog. Isn’t technology great. Before I used to read books about other’s adventures, now I can read it almost as it’s happening.

    • I know… right!!!!!! It is a whole new level of sharing the outdoors. It is so great to hear info during the journey versus way later. Love it! Thanks for stopping by.

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