
The end of the Pacific Crest Trail season has left me in a state of withdrawal. PCT hikers have a deadline date of October 1 to reach the Canadian border or they run the risk of snow and storms terminating their journey, sometimes just miles from their destination. That date has come and gone. I miss the anticipation of reading daily trail journals of hikers right from the trail. Recently, I was informed of Astro Andy: his journey, dedication, and sheer guts. I think you will be in awe just as I was upon reading his story. The following was posted on my good friend and hiker’s blog Walking with Wired. Thanks Wired for giving me the thumbs up to post!

True BLISS! After over 6 months of hiking with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Astro Andy reached Monument 78 on Oct 20, 2012.

Quoted from Walking with Wired blog entry Amazing and Inspiring Astro Andy”
About a month ago, a story about a PCT thru hiker ran in a small town Washington Paper. It turns out that just as most PCTers were completing the trail this year, another hiker was quietly reaching the OR/WA border. Astro Andy started his hike on April 7th and had about 500mi left to get to Canada. As he hiked the steep ups and downs of S Washington, he was experiencing numbness in his leg. A numbness that would concern many hikers, but Astro Andy knew that it was more than a nagging pain that comes from 6 months of hiking…

At the age of 23, Astro Andy set off to do the PCT after he got the diagnosis that his reocurring (since 2008) Hodgkin’s Lymphoma had once again returned…and this time the tumor (on his lower spine) was there to stay. He had terminal cancer. Astro had tried western medicine with Chemotherapy and even a stem cell transplant. He decided in January of this past year that it was time for him to find his own treatment…in nature on the Pacific Crest Trail.

Just this past weekend, Astro Andy made it to Monument 78. He and his mom maintained a journal along his six months of hiking that is emotional, real, humorous, and INSPIRING! This journal was not mainstream and many people did not know about Andy until the article came out in Washington. The journal is only about 30 entries, so I encourage you all to take the time to read what Astro Andy and his mom have written. Thank you to Andy and his mom for sharing such an inspiring story!!! Here is the link: Andy’s Big Adventure


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  1. Thanks for sharing that story-I read some of his blog and he is truly amazing, and a hero to many. We’ve been host to some PCT thruhikers the last couple of weeks-guys who are really late coming through and are a little sorry they didn’t finish a couple of weeks earlier. One guy, Cowboy, had a broken arm, decided he didn’t want medical help after spending the night at our house, and continued on, with the help of some great friends. We heard he made it! I even got a call Thursday from some thruhikers, wondering about conditions the next 60 miles. There’s at least 2 feet of snow up there now. I was in Seattle when I got the call, but I may hear from them tomorrow, since they wanted to go to the Monument, turn around, and come back. Some very determined people out there! They are all inspiring!

    • Skyward,
      That is intense. Two feet of snow and trying to get through? Wild as we both personally know. Today I hiked in 90 degree weather. Crazy! Makes me nervous I may never get to hike your rugged state. Right now all I can remember is the wall of snow I hit at Crater Lake! Thinking I need to figure out some way to not start work until the middle of August. Right?

      So great you are trail angeling. It is so rewarding. Dan and I always feel we receive so much more that we give. Thank you for sharing your stories.

  2. Margo Hayes

    Thanks for sharing that, Christy! I read his blog and was moved by his inspiring story. An amazing young man.

    • YES! You and I can especially connect with this situation having sons the same age as Andy. How remarkable, but also from a mother’s perspective how difficult. What dedication, courage, and love it took for her to post his journey online! A one of a kind reading experience. I hope that she continues to post blog entries, so that we can all follow Astro Andy’s next steps. Thank you for sharing Margo!

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