tHInK outsidE Adventure for Kids

tHInK outsidE -
tHInK outsidE –

Facebook to the rescue. A few weeks ago, I posted the name of my new curriculum project with help the from my Facebook followers. In the next couple of months I have the pleasure to teach a 10 week course about the Pacific Crest Trail to students 6th-8th grades. Students will be exploring a variety of topics using technology, field trips, and media focusing on: navigation, survival, gear, trail maintenance, environment, physical preparation, and food. I have created companion website designed just for students and teachers to experience, learn, and teach about thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

tHInK outsidE

The website is in the beginning stages and will be updated weekly with lesson plans and links as we progress through a 10 week course.

Join us for updates. Mrs. Rosander’s aka Rockin’ notes from our first class:

January 25, 2013
PCT Bound
What an amazing and inquisitive group of students have joined this class. It is going to be a blast sharing what I love and my passion. Our first 1 hour class together was an introduction to all things PCT that started out with an iMovie video trailer I created from my PCT experience to get the kids excited about our upcoming new adventure. Boy did they zone in on the 6 million steps. During the class we focused on PCT Fun Facts, Southern and Northern Terminus, hikers/trail names, trail angels, and trail journals. All the student info, pics, and links needed to teach this class are on the PCT Bound web page. A teacher lesson plan page is upcoming and will be available soon.  The kids even posed for a beginning photo at their very own tHInK outsidE terminus and started student online trail journals.

[vimeo w=560&h=315]

BTW: I have a special CD Calendar for the next person to Like my Facebook page. It is a special number…


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  1. Wow, nice trailer – I would totally pay 10 bucks to see that movie! =]
    This is such a neat project you’ve put together. It seems so few kids are aware of all the amazing outdoor possibilities. It’s so cool that you showed up to class with all your gear!
    It would be so fun to have an interview (or something) from Sunshine on the website – to hear that it’s not just adults hiking the trail.
    Thanks for sharing with us, I’m excited to get to see what you do next.

    • Elise, You are so right! The students are in the process of writing interview questions for Sunshine and Monkey, who are kids that traveled the whole trail. I am also working on putting together a podcast interviewing Wired, who hiked the trail in 2011. I really appreciate your support! Thank you for commenting. Do you have other great ideas to share? I would love your input.

      • Awesome! I’m sure they’ll be fascinated to hear from 2 kids who’ve done the whole trail! I read “Zero Days” awhile back, and now my sister (17yrs.) is really enjoying it. It’s another great example of a child hiking the trail.

  2. Wonderful! How did it go?

  3. steve scarano

    You teachers are on my short list of real heroes: cops, firefighters, ER nurses, and teachers (military folks are a given). Here’s yet another example of creativity, initiative, and worthy concern. Thanks for what you do.

    • Hello Hamburger Helper,
      You, my friend are a huge influence! You just keep sprinkling great information my way and challenge me to learn and question more. This Friday the kids will be beginning to learn the skills to stay safe in the outdoors when things go bad. Most of the sources you sent my way I will be using. Thank you! Thank you!

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