The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide

Ultimate Hiker's Gear GuideGuess what just came in the mail, hot off the press? …….an autographed copy of Andrew Skurka’s brand new first book The Ultimate Hiker’s Gear Guide. My high regard and respect for Andrew Skurka started a few years ago. Last year I had fun following him on his Alaska-Yukon Expedition and I wrote about him here. To me he is an icon in the world of long-distance adventurers. Very cool.

Last night I just had to sit down and scan the entire book. I am now looking forward to revisiting the book in detail and using a few tips from his sage advise he gleaned after miles of experience and adventure. Skurka’s  book is organized, clear, has informative photographs and charts, and most of all is packed with tips that normally would take the average backpacker years to learn. If you are just beginning to backpack, think you would like to try the sport, perhaps wanting to lighten your existing backpack load, or you are like me and love reading from experts and are always up for a new technique, you must go out and buy the book now.

To buy his new book, visit Skurka’s website. The site also features valuable gear lists, maps, his blog, how-tos, clinics, and guided trips.


  1. I have been following your posts and find them very helpful. I’m hiking from Campo to Onyx in April and have Halfmile’s paper maps but wanted to be able to locate myself via satellite by following your suggestions. I have downloaded Topomaps onto my new iphone but I’m confused about how to load Halfmile’s waypoints. I find his website but what I see looks like they should be loaded onto a gps unit, not my iphone. Can you help?

    • Hello,

      Hope this helps. If not shoot me another email and I will be glad to help. There are a few steps and it is confusing, but VERY useful. One thing to know is you are downloading waypoints not the Tracks in .gpx format.

      Directions: Open your Topo Maps App and click the Waypoint Files Icon. It looks like a map with waypoints on it, then click Download from the bottom menu. Enter Halfmile’s URL for PCT Waypoints:

      Click go and it will go to the web page, then select the sections you want or you can select in one file all of California, but you don’t need that because you are going to Onyx. Then click on the file, unzip. Then click on the file again, click on the GPX file, then switch the off to on. If you don’t do this last step the waypoints will not show up on your map.

      I will be on the trail next week going from Campo to Idyllwild. Happy trails on your trip.


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