The Pigs were Here!

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
~Mark Twain Following the Equator

We were gifted with the stay of PCT hikers Boo Boo and The Tequila Kid. They live their lives differently than most I think, by having fun, laughing, loving and living life to its fullest, but at the same time they are the most caring, clever, and some of the smartest folks around. The Tequila Kid writes a very detailed, informative, and humorous trail journal. Before they started hiking in April, they created an entertaining video that made fun of many trail obstacles (weather, food, and general walking). It is a MUST see!

Due to a full on blizzard in Tehachapi, complete with hail, freezing temps, rain, driving wind, and fog we convinced the hikers to wait out the storm and stay an extra day. This opened up the opportunity for the pigs, Nitas and Car (BTW never reverse their names) to come out and play the game Pigmania. The pigs have traveled the world for many years with TK and Boo Boo. To read up on the rules and how to play, The Tequila Kid has posted very helpful pics. Thank you TK and Boo for a truly memorable couple of days.

Dan, Rockin’, Boo Boo, and The Tequila Kid
Dinner with Silly Chili, The Tequila Kid, Boo Boo, Dan, Turbo, and Jess
Playing the game “Pigmania” with The Tequila  Kid’s Pigs: Nitas and Car followed by Jess’s homemade Banana Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Boo Boo and The Tequila Kid at Cameron Road Trail Head

View additional visiting PCT Hiker Photos on Flickr


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  1. Rockin’, thanks for sharing the stories and all the other things you and Dan do! I’ve been friends with BB and TK for some time… in fact, I think the pigs took me for some trail goodies on a previous trip. I never thought about being so connected during a PCT trip, but have to admit I check in on their blog almost daily to read about their latest adventures. So, your “technology is not for wimps” post really hit home. And thanks for all your gear tips… I’m trying to lighten my pack (and myself!) so I can join BB & TK for a week in the Sierras. BTW, I am the pizza guy. 😉

    • Wow go figure, the most famous trail angel, the pizza man! Those pigs can be VERY mischievous! Lightening up is definitely a long pursuit, but well worth it. Hope you are able to hike a section with TK and Boo. Glad you stopped by.

  2. Chris Schimenti

    Rockin, great blog. I came across Boo Boo and The Kid’s PCT journal on Postholer which led me here. They seem like a very nice couple with a terrific sense of humor. I thought their PCT video was hilarious. Been hiking sections of the PCT for several years now despite living on the East Coast. Just moved to San Diego so hoping to do much more exploring of the trails this part of the country has to offer. Perhaps I’ll meet into you somewhere on the trail. Take care. — Chainsaw

    • Chainsaw, Tequila Kid and Boo Boo ARE very clever, humorous, and smart. Glad you liked their video and was entertained. I love it more each time I see it. San Diego has some nice areas to explore and hike. Have fun getting out in your new area. Rockin’

  3. Great blog site and story. Mark Twain also said, “80 percent of life is showing up.” Good to see y’all having fun and also making a difference with the other 20 percent! Another good one from Twain: “Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.”

    • Thank you for stopping by! Wow, that would be quite the life and what a neat way to keep motivated. Thank you for that insight and something to aspire to. 🙂

  4. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Oh Wow! Thanks for the post. That video is awesome. And all you guys are so thin–guess that’s the secret–must be a thru hiker to keep those pounds down.

    • I am so glad you enjoyed the video. Tequila Kid and Boo Boo went to a lot of work and fun to create such an entertaining masterpiece.

  5. Such fun. Were you actually playing a game?? You are actually becoming the hospitality king and queen. Dan simply must get a name though. Caboose might be a good one as he is always bringing up the rear and completing all the plans that have been made.

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