The Pacific Crest Trail Calls

Welp I am ready to hit the dirt again. In the next few days I will again be writing from the trail and posting when I have cell service. This summer, my BIG hope was to complete the remaining 822 miles to finish the entire 2650 miles of the PCT.ย  BUT… a redirection was in order due to lingering snow depths at the PCT level in Oregon and Washington. So guess what? Gotta say my first desire I had was to return to the Sierras before starting Oregon later in July. AND it just so happens that I am super lucky and excited to be joining Grasshopper on her PCT thru-hike starting this weekend in the Sierras. Grasshopper has a special appreciation for life and the trail. You can find her at

My big overall plan is to start at Kearsage Pass in the eastern Sierras and hike north to the Lake Tahoe area, then zip right up on Amtrak to Crater Lake, Oregon and start hiking north. The Sierras and Oregon, it doesn’t get better.

Preparations over the last month has kept me very busy:ย  buying, dehydrating, and packing food, printing maps, downloading maps, GPX files, guidebook pages, books, and music to my iPhone, making travel arrangements, and sending packages. You would think this would all be a simple process,ย  after all… I have done this so many times (this is my 5th summer long trail hiking). Not so. It still takes a lot of thinking, researching, and making endless decisions. It really is exhausting. I would like to someday meet a long distance hiker that thinks that buying, preparing, and packing months of food choices in boxes is joyful. Come on there has to be somebody out there!!!!

So here is the scoop on gear, resupply, navigation, and my favorite.. how to follow me along. Breaking news: I am now on Instagram. Love it.


Here is what my gear looks like minus a bear canister. Yes… I will gladly be hoisting one of those awkward creatures on my back! Below the gear pic is my Google spreadsheet to view all the tiny little details. Note: spreadsheet is viewable only on a computer. Just scroll down using the bar on the right side to see complete list.



[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”spreadsheets/d/1XmqVBM9FN2tlTsuvb1NLzNq4cltVC_FT4_HjDsRX9tQ/pubhtml” query=”widget=true&headers=false” /]



My gluten and dairy free diet continues to be a challenge. This packing round I feel pretty successful, except for the addition of some chocolate bars. I just couldn’t resist. You can view most of the goodies on Pinterest.



I am excited to use all of my fun new little apps and will be sharing how they all work. Here are what I plan to use and carry:
-Guthook Hiking Guides apps – water, camping, maps, tracking
-Viewranger – navigation and locater beacon to track my progress
-Halfmile’s paper maps and a compass
-PCTHYOH app for any other info I might need – fire and weather


Be sure to follow along. Here is how:

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Instagram (my new fav)
  • Track me by clicking on the “Track” in the top menu. The map will be updated when I have cell service.

Also, don’tย  miss a single post by signing up to receive new updates by email. Just add your email address under โ€œGet Post Updatesโ€ in the bottom menu.

So there ya have it. I hope all of you are out there are enjoying summer and loving life. It is a good one.

Happy Trails Everyone!


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  1. So excited for you! Yes, the food thing is always a challenge. Fun to see your choices!

  2. Earl Williams

    No need to answer my comments just because I am confused. I will switch over to the “Wired” site until my sanity returns. Hike, Hike, Subway – Hike, Hike, Subway.

  3. Earl Williams

    I also wish you all a wonderful journey through California and the remaining PCT. I was glad to hear that you were joining Grasshopper at Kearsarge Pass where she wanted to resume and then hiking with her to Tahoe. You no sooner made the post and your were over at Heart Lake below the pass. Wow that was fast. Last post from Grasshopper was in Santa Cruz so she must have private jet to catch up with you and now she is at Burney Falls. This all took me back to Abbott & Costello “Who’s On First?” I know a future update will clear this all up. I just know it.

  4. Have a fantastic trip!

    • Thanks to you my tent was pitched each night neat and tight. I even added an additional guy line this year. Just sayin’

  5. I laughed when I read this post, because I was life guarding for my daughter’s Girl Scout troop this weekend at Burney Falls and guess who I met outside the center? Grasshopper! I just introduced myself in passing, as the girls were almost finished getting their patches at the visitor center and I was taking them to the lake for swimming and jet skiing. I thought wow they made it to Burney Falls fast as it is still June.

  6. Looking forward to following along again. Happy hiking.

  7. I think planning is sometimes (though exhausting) just as much fun. Looking forward to following your progress!

  8. Deborah Brown

    Yay for you I dont think im replying correctly The above the line direction didnt work So ill wait and see Before writing more Db brown

    Sent from my iPhone

  9. Hey Rockin’, you are so active! Can’t wait to start reading about all you adventures. I’ll be up there in the end of July for around a week myself. Can’t wait for my adventure as well. -With all this organizing, you got Dan all organized while your gone?! *BTW, loved both of the photos cause’ gear is fun to look at and I can get some ideas on trail food from the second photo. Have lots of fun and enjoy all the miles.

  10. Didn’t you just get back from Scotland?? Whew! You go girl!

  11. annathrax

    Awesome! Good for you! Cant wait to hike through your adventure! Wish i was joining you!

  12. You have a great blog here. Thanks for setting the bar so high ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy the layout and photography. Keep up the hard work!

    • Earl Williams

      She is absolutely the best and you will definitely want to check out Grasshopper’s site which is amazing

    • Ahh thanks. That means a ton coming from you. Now all I need is one of those GG hats. I have been trying to get one!!!!

  13. Earl Williams

    This is very exciting for me as well as you. It seems everyday since Scotland, I have been checking your web site to see when you might resume your hike in Wired’s beloved Oregon. You embody a great value system when you hike as you deeply embrace the journey. I am so looking forward to hearing about your days on the trail. Thank you for introducing me to Grasshopper as he/she will great to follow. Have a great journey. Earl Williams, Las Cruces, NM

  14. Linda Dane

    Safe travels, Christy. I know you’ll have a blast. Can’t wait to hear about your trip.

  15. I’ll be getting the multi-use bra idea myself. LOL

  16. Looking forward to following along! That battery looks pretty sleek for 11,000 mA. Also, I’m not a gal, but that bra selection is an interesting one too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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