Swami Hikes over 14,000 Miles

Swami: Hiker with SUPER powers.

Swami on the PCT
Swami on the PCT

This amazing gentleman finished hiking over 14,000 miles on 12 long walks, all in 18 months! You can close your mouth now, however, mine is still agape. I am one of the lucky few to not only have met him, but also to have walked behind this legend for a couple miles on the Pacific Crest Trail before Belden, CA. Mmmmm, to be honest it was more like a slow jog. Read about that experience in my blog entry, June 16 – Blessing and BIG Party. Swami’s trail journal on his website thehikinglife.com from that very same day paints a very flattering picture. Thanks Swami.

“Soon after Buck’s Summit I met Christie (trail name ‘Rockin’), a 55 going on 25 year old hiker, whom in addition to apparently having discovered the Fountain of Youth, is a teacher, climber and grandma extraordinaire from Tehachapi, CA. We hiked and chatted together for the next few hours, before parting ways just before the final switch-backing descent into the tiny town of Belden”

Swami Heading Down to Belden, CA
Swami Heading Down to Belden, CA

You can read all about his walks, get hiking information, gear lists, and inspiration at thehikinglife.com.

Here is an interview of Swami for an Australian news station about his gear, life, and long walks. Prepare to be motivated. You will love his attitude toward life and the trail.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uEMBB1oU4I?rel=0]


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  1. R. L. Bennett

    Wow! This is so inspiring. Gorgeous photo of him hiking off into the mountains!

  2. I like the “hiking happiness” on his face. Good on him.

  3. I’m envious, wish I were there! How exciting. bill

  4. Now that is Amazing!

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