PCT Video – Idyllwild to Onyx Summit

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/41623683 w=640&h=360]


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  1. This is a GREAT video. And the music is perfect, I need to add “Down To Earth” to my iPod! Right now my dog and I are day hikers, but you, more than anyone, inspire me to work up to overnight hikes. I have a lot to learn, water filtering, blisters, not being such a wimp, etc.

    • Hey HW,
      When I first heard that song I just knew it had to be part of a hiking video. Glad it did the same for you. I LOVE day hiking. The overnight thing is not for everyone. I just think it is so great you are experiencing outdoor places. Keep hiking.

  2. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Rockin’, loved the video. I’m glad that Wired met and mentioned you. I’ve been really blessed by your blog and all you’ve done. Keep it up, it’s blessing us all out here. Lord knows we need some releif from the daily grind. Rock on.

  4. The Beekeeper

    One of the best video journals I’ve seen thus far this season. I liked the music and the mix of stills and video. Great job, keep it up!

    • Hello Beekeeper,
      Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the really high praise. There are so many great and creative documentations of the trail, each with their own personal touches. Thank you for following along.

  5. You guys are amazing. Love this!!! Hope to see you soon!!!

    • LESLIE!!!!!!!! So good to hear from you. You have a birthday coming up, which IS the perfect opportunity to get together. I miss you all very much. Dave is probably cringing at the video thing. I do have to admit the videos are fun putting them together. Say hi to your family. See you soon on your birthday.

  6. Really liked this video. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    • Right now I am so jealous that you have a ranger for a daughter and are in the beautiful Sierras. I am still very new at this video stuff. iMovie to the rescue! Thanks for the encouragement.

  7. Snake bait

    Hey Rockin’,

    That was absolutely super! We’re looking forward to seeing the next steps in your journey. Have fun.

    Noel and Ulrike

    • You guys ALWAYS make me smile! There are going to be A LOT of steps this summer and it is so great to know you both will be with me. So do you both have trail names now??? Love to know…. 🙂

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