New Plan, Gear, and Ready, Set, Go!

“Not all who wander are lost;”
“Little by little, one travels far”
“I wisely started with a map.”
~JRR Tolkien

Warning: This blog entry is in outline and Cliff Note version. 🙁

1.  New PCT game plan due to high snow levels, late spring melt, possible dangerous, swift, freezing cold, and deep stream fords and steep, icy pass crossings:
– We are leaving tomorrow from Kearsage Pass out of Independence, CA in the heart of the High Sierras, traveling 116 miles with heavy packs over 5 passes, and 19,325 feet of elevation gain on mostly snow-covered terrain to Red’s Meadow south of Mammoth, CA.  This section should take about 9 days. Why do this… one might question? Well…this year has been a record snow year with some areas in California, Oregon, and Washington getting 200 to 400 percent over the normal snow pack. I want to see it in full snow, but have the luxury of warmer temps and long days. It is history.

-After completing the Sierra section, we are driving up to Buck’s Summit, south of Belden, Ca (where I left off last summer on the PCT) and traveling for 5 weeks from Buck’s to Sisters, Oregon. This 700 mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail will travel 68,213 feet of elevation gain through 3 national parks, many wilderness areas, and miles of snow.

-So this is the BIG plan.

  1. In the last couple of weeks, I have been frantically buying food, packaging, and trying to calculate how much and what I think I will want and need to eat for the next 6 weeks on the trail. I now have loaded 8 boxes to be sent ahead to post offices in very small towns I will be hiking near or through. I will also be buying fresh food (salad, carrots, cheese, bread, fruit, etc.) along the way. And YES Snickers are healthy!!!

3. I have revised my 2011 PCT Gear List. The main changes:
-new pack
-added homemade alcohol stove with added windscreen and pot cozy. I am super excited about my new set up. BTW it only weights 8 oz.
-misc. toiletries and wet socks
-Power Monkey Solar Charger

  1. I have a hiking team for the first week and a hiking partner my husband, who needs a trail name, for the last 2 weeks. So cool.

  2. I am excited to be posting a trail journal again this summer starting tomorrow. Please, keep in mind as you are reading, that the writing, videos, and photos are being created and posted using my trusty iPhone 4. So that means my thumbs get their exercise and I often get frustrated at the limitations of posting on a tiny screen. Posting the trail journal will only happen when I have cell service and the Sierras are so remote that guess what…no cell service for at least 7 days. Gotta love the deep, deep wild wilderness!  After tomorrow’s entry, the snowy, Sierra saga will be posted in about 8 days.
    Note: Like last summer I will be posting gear and food information along the way.

  3. I loved, loved, loved all the comments last summer. There were times that just a kind word made all the difference. This summer I have a very powerful solar charger, so I should be able to comment back on a regular basis. If you would like to be notified for replies just check the box at the bottom of the comment box after writing. It looks like this:

Notify me of follow-up comments via email

7. I have a Track tab in the header that leads to a Password Protected page. If you would like to see my latest location on a map (posted when I have cell service), just ask for the password in the comments below.

Thank you for traveling with me along that PCT trail.



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  1. Hey! Just made it to Reds Meadow and thought of you guys a lot along the way. BTW, my brother in law says Dan’s trailname should be Rollin’.

    • Well, he acquired quite a few on the trip, namely Champion. He got into a habit of taking his pants off to cross streams, leaving him in his Champion brand boxer shorts. But the name didn’t stick. 🙁 HUMMMM Rollin’????

  2. Hey Rockin,
    I wish you and your family the best. What a way to hike the PCT, with your husband an your son, AWESOME!!!! I only started following your journal a couple weeks ago when I learned of it by following Wired’s journal. I would like to track you guys if you don’t mind giving up the password. Thanks for taking us on your journey.
    Mark P.
    Lancaster, CA

    • Hello Mark, I just love Wired’s journal. I met her through my blog during her planning stages of her trip. So cool. I know I am lucky to be hiking with family, especially on such an unusually difficult year. Thanks for following along. I sent the password to your email. Rockin’

  3. Have a blast, soak it all in…
    Praying for your journey.

  4. Kevin Quinn

    Enjoy the journey! Your postings have been an inspiration to get me moving and off the couch. Safe travels!!

  5. Kevin Quinn

    Enjoy the journey. Your postings have been an inspiration to get me going and off the couch! Safe travels!!!

  6. Looking forward to your posts. Have fun!!! Be safe.

  7. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Way to go Rockin’ It will be great! We’ll all be with you in spirit. 🙂

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