My New Friend

This entire entry was created on my buddy the i Phone. Even the photos were shot with the phone camera with a little help from the Phone App It is my hope to use my phone to write and post journals while hiking on the PCT. Now I have the technology to post photos with a journal entry. The quality will not be the same as I am used to, but it is just going to have to work.

Today we hiked a short section of the PCT east of Tehachapi. I was sporting my new backpack loaded with 18 pounds of gear & water. On the trail we met a working crew from the Student Conservation Association. They were hired to repair trails,namely the PCT. How cool is that??? Below is an example of their handiwork.

My family has definite ideas regarding trail journal content.
1. Must include a photo
2. Must be short, preferably in outline format.
3. AND must never talk about what I ate or how or when I slept!!!
Example: Today I got up had breakfast and did a lot of walking. It was nice.

So now at least I have #1 checked off with help from my friend the i Phone.

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One Comment

  1. ‘Tis very cool, lady. Thanks for the SCA shout out — those volunteers do great work on our trails — and best of luck on your journeys.

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