May 27 – Go BIG, Baden-Powell, Bear

Inspiration Point (mile 369.5) to ridge above Isip Saddle (mile 388)

At the get go was a 2500′ elevation climb to the top of Mount Baden-Powell with a full backpack. We submitted Poser, Silly Chili’s friend to full on climbing on his first backpack of the year. No mercy. After hitting mile 2 Poser exclaimed, “Go BIG or go home”. Now that is how I like it.

Baden-Powell is a very popular climb and we were able to talk to some interesting folks at the top. The views were unending and a glider was in the area circling the summit. Temperatures today were perfect for hiking and the trail wove through interesting canyons with views of Los Angeles on one side and Antelope Valley on the other. After passing Little Jimmy Campground we interrupted a bear traveling on the trail. Most likely to snarf food from the Little Jimmy campers. He was afraid of us and scampered away.

After reaching Islip Saddle there was a pretty steep ascent to find the first available campsite. We lucked out with a spot high on the ridge. We enjoyed an amazing sunset with dinner, tea, and dessert. I love hiking with these guys.













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  1. Mt Baden Powell always has amazing views! Love that hike! And great photos! 🙂

    • I agree. I want to go back when there is snow. There are many peaks to climb that look really cool. It is a new area to me, but all in your backyard and your stopping grounds. Hey thanks the compliment and all taken on an iPhone. Gotta love that.

  2. Sandy Smith

    Thank you so much for the photos and log. The PCT has been my dream forever, now I’m 72yrs. but still want to do sections, can’t find anyone to go with me but I’ll never give up my dream. I just climbed San Jacinto Peak two days ago. I love watching your progress, good for you, you are amazing!

    • Oh Sandy you made my day. It IS so hard to go solo for many reasons. I just absolutely love that you are climbing, hiking, and more importantly appreciating the outdoors. YOU are an inspiration to me. It really helps when the trail is not kind, to know you are following along. Thank you for commenting!

  3. Great photos. Love the ice on the tree, so strange. Very neat that you got to see a bear. My husband is an Eagle Scout but has never climbed Mt. Baden Powell, maybe someday.

  4. Your posts are always so great Rockin’. I wanna do that hike myself. Someday!

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