May 20 – Hiking with the Pack

PCT Mile 352 above Lone Pine Canyon to Inspiration Point at Hwy 2
17.5 miles

So I just have to finish sharing about last night camping in the middle of a sea of tents and cowboy campers. What I learned: after dark no talking allowed (whispering quietly okay), minimal headlamp use is favorable, get organized in your tent quickly because even messing with any gear makes noise (Ziploc baggies are really bad), get comfortable at the beginning of the night because you soon realize that neo air sleeping pads make a lot of crunching noise when turning over in the night, and the same unwritten codes apply in the very early morning hours. Seriously. This group of thru-hikers were polite and respectful.

While hiking today we had fun getting to know some of the hikers. The trail’s gentle climb into the high country was refreshing and ended at Wrightwood Ski Resort. We enjoyed lunch complete with Starbucks Mocha and Nutella at McGuffy’s Campground that had a cold, clear, and clean spring. Lovin’ this small section of the PCT. On the way home we celebrated with the very best homemade pie I have ever tasted at Joe Mudd’s Coffee and Pie in the town of Wrightwood. It was that good.



Snow Plant








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  1. steve scarano

    Your smile is an unflagging witness to our Lord. Thanks.
    –Hamburger Helper

    • Amazing to see it so dry! It was all snow and frozen for me last year! I had Ice Storm conditions May 17 from Guffy CG to Wrightwood. got a tad lost where that fenced in lake is. The Starbucks Via and Nutella makes it worth it though!!! those Snow plants are so Cool!! I had to email pics to friends to discover what the heck they are, non photosynthetic plants, like mushrooms! cool.

      • I just know all the hikers I encounter this year are sick of hearing me say “This was all under snow last year!” So, so different year. Yep I am now a Starbucks Via fan. You got me started and it is hard to drink anything else! Snow Plants and Pennyroyal are my very favorite flowers. Both found in the high country.

    • Our God is an awesome God. You are very welcome Hamburger Helper.

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