June 4 – No Sports Beans for You


Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
~T.S. Eliot

Sawtooth Trail Intersection to saddle east of small spring
19 miles

This was one of the most dramatic and exhausting days I ever spent on a trail. I feel like I climbed Mount Whitney 3 times in one day. We followed the Continental Divide Crest most of the day occasionally dipping into the trees. The north slopes required post holing in the snow It is exhausting, time consuming, and frustrating!!!! We did a lot of that. Also the CDT stays between 11,000 and 12,000 feet. My chest heaves on the uphill.

During one of the particularly bad post holing areas where Silly Chili was breaking trail, I felt sorry for him and gave him my Jelly Belly Sports Beans with caffeine. Bad idea. Not only did I not have my afternoon boost, but he became a mad man on the trail. He took off and Wired and I did not see him again. I am sure he is camped somewhere and is safe. No Jelly Belly Beans for him again.

I am planning on posting more of a photo journal each day. My hope is that our CDT trip can be seen and experienced through the art of photos. Thank you for reading, following along, and for sharing your comments. Happy summer everyone.












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  1. Your are one amazing gal, Rockin! The places and photos are the best. Thanks for sharing a part of the world I’ll never see. This week Recycle is doing a southbound section of the PCT starting at Kennedy Meadows. Fun to read both Wired and your blogs. Thanks and take care. — Cordy

    • Ahhh Cordy so great to hear from you!!!!!!!! and glad to hear Recycle to on the trail. I wish I was going to be in Tehachapi when he is finished. Be sure to tell him Dan, my husband can help him out if he needs it. He is at home. Thank you for following along!

  2. Sally/Arrow

    You ARE inspiring !!!! Had good post op so I am hoping to get out on trail with a backpack soon but I will need those caffeine sports beans for sure !!!! I am with you in spirit

  3. Wow! It looks amazing!

    • It is almost overwhelming walking on the divide. There are no words. It is wild.

      • I bet! I did a trail today that has a route to part of the Continental Divide trail and I thought about you and others that are doing sections and thru hiking, while I was looking at those amazing mountains all along it! What a wonderful adventure!

  4. Whitney x 3, yikes!

  5. Thank you for sharing your adventures – you are so inspiring!
    Hearing your tales gives me hope that I’ll have time for adventures someday too.
    Have fun this summer. =]

  6. Whew, awesome photos! I guess I’d better get some of those beans so I can take off like a mad man down the trail too. I’ll take anything I can get. Rock on!

  7. snakebait

    hey Rockin’,

    Sounds like an exhilarating day, if not a challenging one (: P ) with all the post holing. Equally, remember how fit you are, and how much fitter you will be as you continue to enjoy the wilderness. No coffee for silly chilli either! Thanks for sharing the views, they remind me of why I go to the Himalaya.

    Savour the moments. And it appears no cattle herding required – drat.



    • Thanks Snakebait. This has been a truly humbling experience and not so great on my self esteem. I really don’t know how anyone could prepare for staying and hiking in this high elevation. I sure needed this. Thanks.

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