June 30 – Lush Forest and Slick Rock Hopping


Rollins Pass to Lake Granby Shore
26.7 miles

After enjoying an amazing sunrise on Rollins Pass we appreciated 20 miles of well-maintained actual TRAIL. AND most of the route was downhill through lush, healthy forest. It was a true gift.

Then the day got interesting. Wired let us know that the trail around Lake Granby was full of blown down trees. She recommended walking the miles on the rocky steep shoreline. Hiking up and around downed trees is difficult and dangerous. We were all glad to get the information.

It was fun at first rock hopping, but after a couple miles, not so much. Plus we had the challenge of walking on wet, slick rocks after a major rain and hail storm pelted us for a period of time. We all hunkered down under rocks with our ground sheets covering our heads to wait out the worst of it.

I just want to add that the group I am hiking with is positive, supportive, and tough. I admire each and every one of them. When things get uncomfortable and difficult they remain cheerful and kind. Walking through this section was a true example of their teamwork and character.

Love Note found a camping site that sported a beautiful view of the lake. Everything is wet. Tomorrow we have 12 miles to Grand Lake where we are resupplying and staying overnight at the Shadowcliff Hostel.

I am thankful for small comforts: laughter, dry sleeping bag, and a strong body.
















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  1. Nice photos. I image that a strong body and strong mind are a must for this type of hike. Seems like long distance hikers have both.

  2. Nancy Helm Weeks

    Gorgeous photos!

  3. 26.7 miles. Wow. Them’s are some serious miles! I can only ever imagine doing that. But it sure is fun reading about you doing it. And today’s post is very interesting and encouraging to read. I love that you have such an excellent crew to hike with and support you. Gods blessings are many and varied and abundantly wonderful. Revel in them all you can.

  4. Such beautiful lighting in today’s photos!
    Sounds like you have a great team.

  5. Rockin’ — you shared that “the group I am hiking with is positive, supportive, and tough” — that is such a vitally important thing when you traveling through such rugged and wonderful country. Comforting as well! Continued safety to all as your journey continues! BTW – Happy Fourth of July to the crew! (Imagine how fireworks would look from the heights you are all on!)

  6. Looks like some uncomfortable moments, especially if the rain is cold. Hope your resupply stay went well. Missouri is beautiful and cool, thank goodness. Have you reached a half way point yet? Think about you often. Love the face hair Silly Chili.

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