June 26 – Into the Alpine Tundra


Georgia Pass to Chiquawa Gulch
22 miles

Well … this was a very tough and amazingly beautiful day. The route followed the divide and either went straight up or straight down. Being high is my favorite, but it is hard work.

One of the biggest highlights was observing a small herd of mountain goats. They were very relaxed with our group of hikers and we were able to enjoy them for almost an hour.

At the end of the day PCTer Burt and Megan met us with hamburgers, drinks, cookies, chips, potato salad, and Oreos. It was super fun and everyone ate and drank a ton.

Tomorrow morning we are climbing two 14ers, Grays and Torreys Peaks. I am looking forward to both climbs.20130627-092318.jpg20130627-092327.jpg20130627-092338.jpg20130627-092349.jpg20130627-092358.jpg20130627-092409.jpg20130627-092418.jpg20130627-092428.jpg20130627-092438.jpg20130627-092447.jpg














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  1. Dan Rosander

    What a once in a lifetime moment hanging out with the goats! That is so great, love the photos. Simply remarkable.

  2. Sally/Arrow

    Just landed near Denver on way home from Bozeman . We flew over Rocky Mountain N.P. where you must be hiking . I was looking for you down there with my binoculars✈!!

  3. The flower photo is awesome! and the mountain goats are neato as well. Seems everyone likes the (in this post).

  4. you are so inspiring to me..thank you

  5. Nancy Helm Weeks

    The mountain goat photos are phenomenal! Thank you so much for sharing your journey!

  6. These photos brought a big smile to my face. 🙂 Your hard work getting there was really worth it!

  7. John Donaldson

    Great experience in some really beautiful country. Glad that you were able to photograph mountain goats in their glory. Enjoy!!

  8. Georgette Theotig

    Great photos of the mountain goats! They seem to be used to hikers like you folks. Also, I love your shots of the high mountains. There is more grass than in the Sierra. I’m am so glad you are having a wonderful trip. Keep those photos and journals coming!

  9. Your pictures of the goats are amazing. I chuckle at how you talk about climbing a 14 footer like I would talk about crossing the street. You guys are something else. Glad you are doing well. Having trouble keeping Dan out of trouble! We leave for Missouri today. Miss you.

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