June 21 – Hike Naked Day on the Hat Creek Rim

Subway Cave Campground to Crystal Lake Fish Hatchery
28 miles

Yep it was hike naked day on the summer solstice. So for all you hikers out there that partook of the opportunity congratulations!

Tom and I got a 4:45 am start hauling 4 liters of water to hike the infamous Hat Creek Rim. It is a dry waterless 28 mile section that takes the hiker high above Hat Creek following a plateau. The morning was cool and glorious. Much of the terrain had old burn, which gave way to a plethora of wildflowers. I enjoyed views of both Lassen Peak and Mount Shasta for a good part of the day.

The trail was often rocky with volcanic rock. Hard on the feet and easy to trip. This also is a cow area and I spent a good part of day dodging cow pies.

17 miles into the rim there was an amazing water cache. I chugged 2 liters of water before leaving the little piece of heaven. Thank you!!!

A strong breeze abated the often oppressive afternoon sun. This was a God sent for me. It was a very LONG day. Tomorrow I will be entering Burney Falls. This is an area I am excited to see. I am looking forward to hiking only 12 miles, sleeping in a bit (5:30), and having a plethora of water available. I drank 8 liters of water today! Oh and I am pretty sure the area we are camping at is a day use only at the fish hatchery. All is I know is there is water, a bathroom, garbage can, and a picnic table. What more could a girl ask for?







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  1. It looks so beautiful! How are your feet?
    Nice work!

  2. Wired/Erin

    Last year, Liz and I ate lunch at your “campsite” there. I was quite happy to also find a plug there too! You’re getting closer…

  3. Not the pictures I was expecting for this entry. The campsite looks nice though.

  4. Clare Rosander

    Guess you had a very long day, oooooo. We are in Reno . We will wave as we fly by tomorrow on the way to Boise!

  5. That is some kinda teaser title for your blog today!

    And I’ll second the 28-mile day. Way to go. Keep it up.

    Oh, and, “don’t drink the water”!

  6. Hey Rockin

    Any need to usher cows in the early part of the day?

    Good job on the 28 miles. You go girl!

    Noel and Ulrike

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