June 18 – Simply Epic

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy—your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.” —Annie Leibovitz

Cottonwood Pass to Clear Creek Road at Lulu Gulch

Yep this was just one of those days you want to savor… remember… hang on tight to…

Collegiate Peaks Wilderness is what I think of when John Denver sang “Rocky Mountain High Colorado” and we hiked right through the heart! Aspens, rich thick forests, stunning mountains, flowing streams, high mountain passes, picturesque campsites, and clean air surrounded Wired and I the entire day. 🙂

We even saw a father and son backpacking for the first time. What a treat to talk to them. This is what memories are made of.

It has been fun leaving notes for Silly Chili along the way. It is raining on my tent now and I am hoping he is in a safe place.





















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  1. I love those kinds of days. Beautiful first photo.

  2. Hi Christy, my son and I met you and Erin on the trail on this day; he enjoyed his first backpacking trip. Nice picture! I had not been out for many years and now that he’s twelve I figured he could handle it and he did awesome. We met another guy on the trail who is from Canada and did not catch his name who must be on the team. We met him on the 19th as we were just leaving Lake Ann on our way down to our camp. You all are very inspiring and I wonder how you do it (I realized that I packed way too much and beat both me and my son with the weight). Maybe you all have some sort of prescription for how to live on the trail? I’ll read your stories and learn how you all do it. I will be following you and Erin on your journey. Best wishes!

  3. Jason Salis

    Hey Rockin,
    Found your blog by reading Wired ‘s blog. I have really enjoyed seeing this adventure from the perspective of two people who are at the same places on the CDT at the same time. I also Wanted to say that you take some of the best nature photos I have ever seen.

  4. I think I could be convinced to hike this area. Quite the beautiful place. Do you get to hear the amazing sounds when the wind whistles through the Aspens? I wouldn’t blame you if you never returned except that there are many back home that love you and would miss you, so better not entertain that thought. Unbelievable pictures. Hope Silly finds you soon.

  5. Dan Rosander

    Quite remarkable!

  6. Georgette Theotig

    Wow, John Denver’s song “Rocky Mountain High” fits your photos. I loved the one of the flowers, and ones of you on high passes with mountains in the distance. Enjoy every step!

  7. Wow, beauty is everywhere in those photos. Very cool that you met the father/son team. Hopefully the son is enjoying and picked up on your stoke. You and Wired are lookin’ good out there.

  8. beautiful..thank you…sosososo inspiring!

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