June 18 – Laughter

I thank you God for the most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.
~e.e. cummings

Ridgeline to Manter Creek
20.6 miles

Today was a great day: beautiful scenery and great company with my friend Arrow. We left the ridge and dropped down into a gorgeous little canyon that sported the largest specimens of Lupine I have ever seen. We enjoyed our first real stream (Chimney Creek), crossed through miles of trail through the old Manter fire burn area. I had always wanted to experience this area. Acres and acres of Pinon Pine forest was destroyed. This destruction afforded the hiker with outstanding views and wildflowers!

We were pretty beat a couple miles before our destination for the night and decided to sprawl out in the middle of the trail for a much needed rest. WELL… along came the first hikers (Gandolf and Radar) we had seen all day and from sheer exhaustion Arrow and I started laughing…loud and hard to the point of tears. We are sure they thought we were on something! Nope just good old backpacking fun. Life is GOOD!

Tomorrow we are resupplying at Kennedy Meadows. We had food, ice axe, microspikes, and bear canister sent to the Kennedy Meadows Store. Should be a new experience.

Question: Does anyone know of an animal that deposits scat that looks like flat, black, shiny, round saucers the size of a dollar pancake? I have been following this scat on this trip the entire time.


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  1. Hi Christy, I thought of you as we approached the Pacific Crest Trail near Tahoe City this weekend. Not being keen on getting lost in the snow, however, we didn’t make it the extra half mile to holler “hellooooo!” Had a great hike to the first of the “Five Lakes”; Alex skipped flattened snowballs on the water then went for an unintended dip to his knees.

  2. Need more info. Is the scat consistent in distance, or is it localized and then none for a distance, i.e. half a mile apart?

    MaClare didn’t ask this, I did.


    • Thank you for the important information! FYI everyone… the scat is deer scat!!! Can you believe that???? and apparently it has some runs. All the rich food this extra water has provided!

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