June 18 – Gifts

Spring at mile 1319 to Stover Spring
20 miles

Today was significantly cooler. I lucked out with my late start and started out well rested. I also planned for a shorter mileage day. I was excited to experience the Midpoint Mileage Marker of the PCT. I sat for quite some time taking in the moment and reading the trail log. It is so fun to read entries from hikers I know or have heard of. What an accomplishment. There were 4 hikers that have made it already this year. Because of the low snow year for California, many hikers could hike the Sierras in May!

While eating lunch at Soldier Creek and drinking Starbucks Via coffee I had a fun surprise. A small Boy Scout Troop came through and leader shouted, “You must be Rockin’, I have some gorp for you from Swami.” Yaaaaaay. It was homemade from a trail angel Swami was passing back to me. Well that made my day.

I am camped at a large camping area at Stover Spring that has A LOT of birds. A couple have been trying to peek in my tent as I am typing this on my iPhone. Tomorrow I am resupplying at Drakesbad in Lassen National Park. They have services for PCT hikers (shower, laundry, and food). I read that to stay at the ranch, reservations need to be made a year in advance. I can’t wait.20120619-060832.jpg20120619-060858.jpg20120619-060910.jpg20120619-060916.jpg20120619-060851.jpg20120619-061032.jpg



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  1. Sounds like you’re having a good time. What a better way to spend the first day of summer. Love the pics. Sandy and Lucky are in town shopping now, pizza tonight and back on the trail in the morning. 🙂

  2. OK, from a hiking novice, what is gorp? Just wondering. So fun to hike the trail with you vicariously. Rock on!!!

    • LESLIE!!!!! Have thought about you all day. So GORP is essentially trail mix. I think the acronym stands for Granola, oatmeal, raisins, and peanuts. You may need to google it. People make their own personal versions of it and have their favorite recipes. So glad you asked!!!

  3. Mary aka Cordy

    Rockin’, How far are you hiking on this section? You are right behind Tom, he spent several days camping and staying at Drakesbad Resort, he leaves Wednesday morning. How cute that the birds wanted to see what you were up to. Sweet. Good luck on the trail.

    • Hello, I will be in Drakesbad this afternoon Tuesday and leaving tomorrow morning. Hope to see him.

    • Hello Cordy! I met Tom on the trail today. I am enjoying hiking with him. So nice to have company. Sounds like you are the best trail angel ever and you even sing in a choir. Thanks for giving me a heads up. You should have seen the look on his face when I said, “Are you Tom, I know Mary!”

  4. Love, love the midpoint picture. What an accomplishment! So happy you are doing well. Cute story about the Boy Scouts. We can see God’s hand watching over you. Off to watch windows with Silly Chilli.

    • I have had a number of more than coincidences in this short time on the trail big time. Thank you for your prayers! Glad Silly is doing windows.

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