June 17 – Trail Names at Last

Walker Pass to Ridgeline between Lamont Peak and Spanish Needle
20.7 miles

After Rockin’ through section F of the PCT, making 95 miles in 4 days and constantly talking about having climbed that peak or that peak along the trail, I now have a trail name, Rockin’. This is mostly for my enthusiasm for climbing these big rocks in the Southern Sierras.

So I now officially own a trail name, Rockin’.

After starting from Walker Pass today, my new hiking partner for the next couple of weeks found part of an arrowhead! She has always been an arrowhead magnet and finds full on arrowheads in the most unusual places, like below Mount Sill in the high Sierras (she is currently searching in the surrounding area as I write this)! Who does that? Of course she leaves them in their natural place, but just enjoys the searching and finding. So now Arrow (short for Arrowhead Magnet and Rockin’ are taking on Golden Trout Wilderness and Mount Whitney.

I will be glad when water is not the main concern and carrying 4 liters is not necessary. SOON it will happen soon! Wildflowers continue to fringe the trail side, making walking very cheery. The trail today skirted Morris, Jenkins, Owens, Lamont, and Spanish Needle peaks with significant elevation gains and losses.

I was pretty beat tonight and come into camp HUNGRY (big mistake)! A few minor problems happened as a result (I will just name one) like I woke up to half of my tent falling in on me due to the fact that I was too tired to properly pound the tent stakes in all the way. Not the image of a backpacker who knows what they are doing!

Thank you for reading and commenting!
from Rockin’ and Arrow

Gear and food favs:
Z-Rest sit pad
Salad that I am dreaming of!

Rockin’ and Arrow at Walker Pass Trail Head
Spanish Needle Mountain Group


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  1. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Hey Rockin’! I’ll bet the temps have heated up by now but that shouldn’t slow you down any. 🙂 I think of you every day and wonder what wonders you are experiencing. I am so happy for you that you are living your dream.

  2. Barbara Tieskoetter

    OMGosh! I just found out yesterday what you are up to and am so happy for you! Yes, Georgette is right–Rockin’ is good but hey lady you more than rock, you are Smokin’ up that PCT. Meanwhile Kerry and me will have to be content with our little treks up our local peak. I’m anxious to see what your next posts and pics reveal. Barbara

  3. Georgette Theotig

    Hello, Rockin’ – I think your name should be Smokin’ since you are burning up the trail with mileage! If you could see me now, you’d see green with envy. You are getting to some of the best places. When you get to Beck Meadow, think of me. Meanwhile leave some coconut M & M’s for me! Keep sending messages, as they are one of my favorite parts of the day. Also, Sally, could you draw the arrowheads? I’d love to see what they look like.
    Thanks! Green Georgette

    • I am so hoping you have made it to Beck Meadow. It is simply gorgeous and renewed. I get excited just thinking about it. Only saw just a few cow pies and the homestead looks updated but not expanded! The fire area I think even added to the landscape. Arrow will have the draw some for you. Thank you for reading!

  4. Well Rockin, your adventure continues. So glad you have company. Makes this old mother-in-law more comfortable. Surely could use some of those coconut M&Ms!

  5. You have a trail name! That’s great!

    I remember when I first got mine, so exciting to feel like part of the outdoor community. Way to go!

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