June 13 – Walking with Forest

“Some people feel the Rain. Others just get wet.”
~Bob Marley

Lujan Creek to above Tank 7 Creek
22.5 miles

It is interesting how far one can get just by hiking for at least 10 hours a day. Before you know it, you have passed through an entire valley, mountain range, or environment. It never ceases to amaze and thrill me. Yesterday was spent mostly in aspens, today deep forest with trail filed with an abundance of rocks and tree roots.

Clouds filled the sky threatening rain for most of the day. Toward the end of the day I stopped for dinner and Wired hiked on. Just a few minutes after she left, rain and thunder surrounded the creek I was at. I quickly threw my gear under a tree, sat and enjoyed the small storm and a hot dinner. Heaven.

Tomorrow we are going into Salida for resupply. There is a huge kayak celebration that has been compared to Marti Gras taking place. It should be fun. I am hoping Silly Chili has arrived safely. We will be meeting him there.

I feel thankful to have made it through this 5 day section fully intact. Muscles and body still doing great with just a couple of annoying blisters.

Gear Love:
My Suntactics Solar Charger ROCKS! It is fast, really fast. Did I say fast? I love that I don’t have to depend on outlets. It charges my phone and my camera zippy fast. It works on hiking breaks or on top of the pack.

Food Love:
Bob’s Red Mill Mashed Potatoes – Healthy, fast, light, very filling, and super easy to make with hot or cold water. I put them in baggies with some salt, pepper, parsley, and dill. All you have to do is add water and olive oil. Yummmmmm.












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  1. I tend to feel the rain getting me wet. Does that put me somewhere in the middle?

  2. Great thread, awesome photos, wonderful text, and lovely terrain. I so love single-track.

    What a difference a day makes! Much better than June 12th. Can’t wait to hear about you catchin’ up to Silly Chili.

    • Thanks Warren for reminding me. I am working on the next post. Silly is having so much fun in Salida that I haven’t gotten the details. Rumor has it that he hiked a 38 mile day! Seriously. I just texted him to ask him to write a short summary of his drive by hike.

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