July 8 PCT – Lame Sauce and Thunder

Mount Adams within the Smoke
Mount Adams within the Smoke

“There there is nothing like a wilderness journey for rekindling the fires of life. Simplicity is part of it. Cutting the cackle. Transportation reduced to leg – or arm – power, eating irons to one spoon. Such simplicity, together with sweat and silence, amplify the rhythms of any long journey, especially through unknown, untattered territory. And in the end such a journey can restore an understanding of how insignificant you are — and thereby set you free.”   Colin Fletcher, The River 

July 8, 2015
Crest Horse Camp to Mile 2216.2 – 20.8 miles

It was a trying day in some ways and very good in others. 

Let’s start with the bad: 


-developed a nasty and angry looking wound on her hip. We think she is allergic to the band aide I put on it yesterday. Solution: take hip belt off pack and hike without one and apply essential oils. 

-tripped, fell, and skinned her knee. She is not really sure what happened

-black flies swarmed her all day

Both of us

-majority of the day was in messy forest with dull lighting, we love views and can’t wait for the terrain north. 

-we found out today that we will have a fire detour directly after the Trout Lake turnoff. 

The Great:
-Bryn found out today she passed an important test, the CSET that is required to enter student teaching in the fall. She is currently working on her masters at California Baptist University to receive her elementary teacher credential. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Bryn! 

-enjoyed our first pretty lake in Washington

-my feet are doing better with larger shoes, custom orthodic, compression socks, and soaking them in a cold stream several times a day. 

-dinner was amazing tonight with rice noodles and cashews in a chicken sauce

-lightly sprinkled on our tent tonight with thunder echoing a short distance away

-it is a bit cooler tonight, we both have our sleeping bags out in hopes of actually needing them in the night

-Bryn has the most positive and courageous attitude. She is sore all over and barely complains. 

-we have a town day tomorrow in Trout Lake! 

Trail Maintenance in Washington is Top

Blue Lake
 Vintage PCT Sign
Vintage PCT Sign


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  1. Congratulations to Bryn! (My daughter too will be a teacher at the elementary level.) This is such a special trip for the two of you.

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Thank you Janet. She now has passed all the tests for starting student teaching. She is going to be an awesome teacher.

  2. Russell Scofield

    My daughter goes to CBU! Great school! She is a 3rd year English major. They should hook up.

  3. I’ve thru-hiked the whole PCT in one go, twice. (2005 and 2010) Washington State is gorgeous and awesome. It’s also the land of biting flies, and trip n fall lurking hazards on the trail (I lost count of how many times I fell in WA state!!). Bryn, seriously, try wearing long pants and a long sleeved shirt. That’s what I did, and it saved me lots of fly bites and scrapes and scratches. So sorry if you guys have to miss walking up close to Mt. Adams. I was part of a trail crew there in 2013, fixing a long stretch of PCT trail damaged by a forest fire. Just being up close with the mountain is so great. But there’s lots more great trail ahead!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Good to hear from you Monty! You are right. She did start wearing long pants to protect from bugs and sun. Believe it or not, going around just a bit of Mount Adams was okay. We had spectacular glimpses.

  4. westywanderer

    Ahem, I’m a volunteer for Washington Trail Association and trail maintenance was one of the first ways I chose to pay things forward. Glad your trail is rising to meet ye!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Washington rocked in trail maintenance except through Glacier Peak Wilderness. That area will be some time before it is easier to pass through. Thank you for your work.

  5. All injuries pale in the light of your BIG achievement Bryn! A hearty congratulations on passing an important test. Glad that is working out so well. And all God’s best in your pursuit of an MA. Smooth sailing now and at school to you.

  6. I am enriched by your stories. How good for you to hike with your daughter. I hiked from Lolo Pass to Cascade Locks with my son last summer and we still love to retell the stories (I’m 70 and he’s 37). I live in the deep South and mostly section hike on the AT but I use any excuse to get out in the woods. The wilderness is my mega-church and I am blessed by each moment spent there, as I’m sure you are. The bad will be soon forgotten and the good will be a part of your life story forever. Namaste!

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      Sniffer, Thank you for sharing your story. I hope to someday hike a bit on the AT in your neck of the woods. My son now lives in Nashville, so it just might happen.

  7. OK, my suggestion for Bryns’ trail name. “Rockette”. Enjoy your hike.

  8. Love the reference to Colin Fletcher. On my 1973 AT thru-hike, I used a Trailwise pack based on Fletcher’s recommendation in The Complete Walker. Keep on touting the hiker’s life!

  9. “Bryn has the most positive and courageous attitude.” Like mother…like daughter. Such attitude and spirit will definitely take her far in life.

  10. Oh, I was so hoping you wouldn’t run into the fire mess. We have 15 active large fires going in the PNW right now. Hopefully the detour will be minor. Bryn, I ALWAYS fall at least once when I hike; my skin reacts badly to bandages; and bugs LOVE me (a head net is definitely my friend). You are not alone. Enjoy your town day tomorrow. Praying for you two!

  11. I’m sorry you won’t be able to experience Mt Adams up close where I was just a week and a half ago. I feel fortunate that I got my Mt Adams 360 trip in this year! I always find “day 3” to be the hardest on my long hikes. Hang in there! -GoalTech

  12. Oh Bryn, so sorry.

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