July 6 – Mosquitos have Arrived!

We are what we think.
~ Smiles, PCT hiker

Blue Lake Road to 2 miles passed Bryan Meadow
21 miles

I stepped onto the PCT to hopefully experience what it would be like to travel ongoing on foot. The trek so far has gifted me with so much more. I have made new friends, experienced Trail Magic (rides, shelter, and food by trail angels), traveled light and heavy, crossed deserts and mountain passes, lost my way, sat by a stranger’s fire, been hot and cold, given to others, crossed swift streams and steep snow chutes, enjoyed sunrises and sunsets, been grateful for stranger’s generosity, been thankful for the smallest and simplest of things, gazed upon thousands of wildflowers, and now as I write this there are a bizzilion mosquitoes swarming around my entire DEET protected body! I am made for thru-hiking. I feel stronger, more alert, less tired, and very happy.

I am hiking today with Smiles from Switzerland. She is an expert mountaineer, is vivacious, loves nature, and laughs as loud as me!! The woman is invincible.

Carson Pass has this great visitor’s center. The docent working came outside and gave me a coke and cookies, then asked me to sign the trail register. When does that ever happen? 🙂

Tomorrow I will be going into Echo Lake for resupply. Then off to Sierra City. I have lost track of days and names of where I have been, I am just soaking it ALL in.

– Smiles and Blue Lakes
– Rockin’ at Carson Pass
– Visitor’s center


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  1. When, you feel alone on the trail and the snow gets in your way. Realize we are all there with you in spirit cheering you on and may God guide your steps. Team Rockin’

  2. Wow, you continue to amaze me and it’s so fun to hike vicariously with you!
    Continue Rockin!!!

  3. I LOVE this post! I am so glad that you found the place you are most at home.

  4. Simply Grand!!! You look strong and happy and I am happy for you.

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