July 4 – Happy Birthday America!


Troublesome Pass to Indian Creek
25.7 miles

There is nothing better than being silly and having fun in the wild after a wet and dangerous day. Don’t you think?

Summary of the day:
-Thank you America. I love you.
-Dried out wet gear
-Took wrong turn and had to cross-country with Drop n’ Roll 1 mile uphill with swarms of mosquitoes
-Lost my only water bottle (it torpedoed down the cross-country)
-Dirt road walk for 14 miles
-First herd of cows on the trail (lots of fresh cow pies)
-Water source for the night was cow poop and beaver water
-Stryder for the first time I have seen was cranky and tired from mosquitoes, heat, and not enough breaks. Oh and his pack was rubbing his back. It really was a historical moment. He is a great guy.
-It is raining on my tent and I am hot and sticky from the humidity.
-Tomorrow we are going into Steamboat Springs for resupply and a zero day. This is a blessed team. Yaaaaay.














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  1. letshike2

    Beautiful pics. Looks like Silly Chili, The Gang and you are having great trail times! Happy Trails to you all!

  2. Heeheehee I love these photos – so fun! Most awesome mustaches ladies! (And quite the uni-brow!)

  3. Or the cow tippin’ thing? Really liked that you all were ready to celebrate the 4th. We do live in truly wonderful country. Hope you have fun in Steamboat Springs.

  4. snakebait

    Did you do the shoo cow, shoo thing?

  5. Hi! My youngest brother and his family are longtime residents of Steamboat and it is just gorgeous there. If you need anything at all during your rest day, Christy, just shoot me an email and I can get in touch with them! Oh, and gorgeous photos as always!! 🙂

    • Seriously? This is like a fairy tale place! Lucky you to have the opportunity to visit here. I am doing great and we even have a ride arranged to get back on trail tomorrow. So do you know anyone in Wyoming? It is like no man’s land to me. 🙂

      Thanks for being a faithful follower. I often think of you while I am writing late at night in my tent trying to find words that make sense.

      I can’t wait to post higher resolution photos. Oh the Colorado skies!!!!

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