July 3 – Snow

Just because the trail looks good doesn’t mean you should take it!
~ Rockin’

Sonora Pass to 2nd creek-let
9 miles

Today was one of those really good days and really bad days. The good being that I was on the trail again, it was perfect hiking weather, and the views were stupendous. The bad being just one mile from the trail head I lost the trail due to snow, and it happened again and again and again. Sometimes there would be a mile of just snow or just one snow bank after another, and sometimes muddy marshes. I had to really trust my sense of direction, my Topo Maps app, and keep my confidence up. Toward the end of the day just about when I was going to give it up a group of PCT hikers Stick, Graduate, and Transient came up from behind. I was right on top of the trail (10 feet of snow on top of it). Being a really happy camper at that point I continued on with Stick and Transient. Consequentially my miles today were well earned but low.

I think life is a lot like getting on the wrong path just because it is easy and looks good. Very bad outcomes usually ensue. What do you think?

– Rockin’ on the snow and at the trail head
– Look at ALL that snow
– Looking south at Yosemite


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  1. Hi Rockin, I’m finally taking the day to catch up on all your entries I missed. Loving it! Just had to tell you that I did a solo practice run along the PCT at the end of the summer near Mt. Hood. My first night out, I had my first thru hiker sighting and it was Stick! So fun to read you also ran into him way down in the Sierras.

  2. You Rock honey! Some people say you’re crazy, I say you’re Amazing! Thank you Topo Maps app! 🙂

  3. P.S. Look out Vanna White if Christy quits her day job. “Sonora Pass”

  4. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Wow, wow, wow and wow! You are one Rockin’ lucky duck

  5. AND I think the pictures are splendid. The view south to Yosemite is breathtaking!

  6. I think you’re doing fantastic and it’s not about the miles, it’s about the journey. What a great sense of self-empowerment you must feel after today. Trusting your intution and giving due attention to common sense are powerful life lessons. Not letting self-doubt penetrate the gray matter is a beacon to your faith.
    God is good!
    That’s what I think. 🙂

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