July 3 – An Intense Day


Below Ruby Mountain to Troublesome Pass
22.5 miles

My experience on the Continental Divide Trail…pretty much everyday is an intense day, but today stood out.

I have come to the conclusion that the minute you relax, have too much fun, or the terrain is not super strenuous you most likely are not on the CDT and you have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the line. Sometimes all these thing are in line, you are on the CDT, and dangerous weather systems move in quickly and violently, or mosquitos show up and relentlessly bite your tender skin. There are risks when hiking high on the divide. Stuff happens.

This morning the trail was beautiful, in the trees, and life was good. Early afternoon we had a big 2000 foot climb back up onto the divide. Just as our group reached the summit a storm hit from all sides. Fortunately, at the top of Parkview Mountain there was a radio tower shelter. As I entered the shelter, I hit my head hard on the top of the door jam. Stupidly, I did not look ahead to see that the door was short. Everyone heard a crack and it scared me. I have a headache and a big bump tonight. I am fortunate that is all. We all hunkered down for a couple of hours in the shelter and watched the dark storm surround us. After naps, Ninja reading aloud from a romance novel, snacks, and gearing up for storm we made a break for it.

For me the next few hours were very difficult. It felt like we walked through a full on winter storm: strong wind, rain, hail, thunder, and fog. I am thankful tonight to be camped at a pass that is lower and off the high divide. Thank you Stryder and Love Note for finding this great spot. Rain is gently sprinkling my tent while I eat my spaghetti dinner. Silly Chili is starting his homework and I am smiling. Good night all.














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  1. Wowzers – sounds like quite the wild day. And that is a VERY low door frame!

  2. Glad that that ‘crack’ wasn’t anymore pain than it was. It sure had a nice affect on your blog tonight though. Lovely words and awesome photos. Get well quick.

  3. thank you as always for sharing….love the hats ladies!!!

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