July 27 – Tree Trunks for Legs

He who limps is still walking. ~Stanislaw J. Lec

Brown Mountain Shelter to 2 miles after Christi’s Spring ( Sky Lakes Wilderness)

Bedding down in Brown Shelter was warm, no bugs or varmints, and for the first time this trip I did not wake up to a wet tent (either from rain or condensation). Also, last night was the first night since going solo that I have camped with anyone else. It was great, but during today’s miles it ended up really playing games with my head. Bottom line…I really miss my husband. I had a hard time concentrating on walking, was distracted, and I felt like both my legs weighed a ton. Oh and I have now entered the world of mosquitoes. Deet and my head net are my new best friends. Not very much fun.

The trail today led through Sky Lakes Wilderness. There are lakes I am sure but the trail does not lead the hiker to them and the trees in Oregon tend to obsure views. I have not experienced terrain like this before. Everything starts looking the same, at least to me. The water sources are good but are very spread out. For instance, during tomorrow’s miles there is a 15 mile section with no water.

On the bright side I only had patches of snow on the trail. Yeah! Tomorrow WILL be different, because I will be climbing to higher elevations. I am calling it an early night to be fresh for the snow




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  1. I know that mosquito feeling. Not a good one. Golfing in Tehachapi and dinner with Dan. I think he misses you too. We all miss you. Hope today went well and you got some water!

  2. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Mosquito company–yuck! Hang in there Rockin’–you are doing great!

    • Barbara, I personally think mosquito net hats are fashionable. Of course, I can say that because I have rarely seen another hiker to show off such finery!

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