July 28 – Rain Forest, Rivers and Waterfalls

A long walk is nothing more than a series of short walks.
compliments of Hamburger Helper

Timberline Lodge to ridge above Lost Lake – Mount Hood Wilderness
24.7 miles

Biting flies, log crossings, and hot humid heat was the theme of the day.

After getting a late start from Timberline Lodge this morning, I really needed to make some miles in order to get to Cascade Locks tomorrow. The big, black flies made that easy. If I stopped they came in for the kill. I even tried DEET. Didn’t work.

Today was how I imagine the Appalachian Trail would be.

I took the Ramona Falls alternate and I am glad I did. It was cool and beautiful.

Tonight is my best camp of the trip…high, light breeze, no bugs, and dry.

So excited for tomorrow. I will have hiked all of California and Oregon. It is a big deal for me.


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  1. Wow those are some amazing pictures and a pretty amazing walk. It makes me think I might be living in the wrong state.

  2. “It is a big deal for me.” You bet, it is a BIG deal for sure! So proud to have been along with you Rockin’ You really get me stoked out!

  3. An early congrats on walking across two states. That’s quite an accomplishment and I’ve enjoyed following you along the way. I like the quote from Hamburger Helper. I think I’ll use that one on my husband.

  4. “All of California and Oregon” Pretty cool 😀 Awesome waterfall shot.

  5. Congrats on finishing Oregon….that went by quick. From what I have seen, Washington is the icing on the cake! Since you were in Oregon just a few weeks ago, I gave your website address to a pair of hikers from Ohio that are on the PCT and almost up here to Oregon. They have been reading it to get a feel and view of what Oregon holds for them.

  6. Log crossings… shit!

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