July 26 – Temporarily Misplaced

“I will follow my instincts, and be myself for good or ill.”
– John Muir

Beaver Park to Fish Creek Park
23.7 miles or 30 miles counting off track miles

Walking today was easy, fast, and dead gorgeous. After lunch I was feeling confident that I just might get into camp at the end of the day NOT dead tired. That was a BIG mistake. Sweetfish, Stryder, Ninja, Silly Chili, and I all missed a very important and tricky left turn that cost us 5 miles of extra hiking. At the end of the day I was completely exhausted and worn out. The last few miles into camp we saw lots of evidence of grizzly bear and perhaps wolf. I have included a few tracks.

Tomorrow is a new day. 20130728-181050.jpg20130728-181058.jpg20130728-181105.jpg20130728-181124.jpg20130728-181134.jpg20130728-181141.jpg20130728-181149.jpg20130728-181216.jpg20130728-181223.jpg







  1. That is a Big track. I was just in Bear Country and did not see any. May you not either.

  2. Dan Rosander

    I know you said Silly was eating a lot, those aren’t his teeth marks on the CDT sign are they?

  3. Hang in there. It seems you found the perfect quote for today. I look forward to your quotes and the story that accompanies them.

    Safe travels.

  4. snakebait

    Hey Rockin,

    Perk up. You are doing wonderfully well. There will be ups and downs in emotions and energy as you progress through your journey. Remember it is OK to be outstanding and not perfect – all the time.

    You go girl.


    Noel and Ulrike

  5. John Donaldson

    Black bear track and you are where you could run into either black or grizzly bear.

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