July 26 – Messy Forest and Super Trail Magic

Whoso walks in solitude, And inhabiteth the wood, Choosing light, wave, rock, and bird Before the money-loving herd, Into that forester shall pass, From these companions, power and grace.

—RALPH WALDO EMERSON, Wood-notes, 1847

Highway 66 to Brown Mountain Shelter
26.6 miles

My goal today was to make it to Brown Mountain Shelter and visit Hyatt Lake Resort. A total of 29 miles. Big day. I left at 5:30 AM and was buying junk food at Hyatt Lake Resort at 9:30 AM and loving every minute.

The forest today was very messy and unattractive, most likely due to past logging. On top of that the water sources were spread out and disgusting. The water smelled foul and I passed them up and hauled a lot of water. Water is VERY heavy!

I hiked fast today and took little breaks so I could make my goal. After a long day I made it to the shelter at 7:00 PM and the best thing ever happened. A family was making a full on dinner: kale, potatoes, and chicken. They grabbed a plate of food for me and voila I was in heaven. It turns out that they are hiking the PCT on horseback around all the snow areas. They had a truck parked nearby with supplies. Just as we were finishing dinner Bloodbath came strolling into camp. Such fun visiting with everyone!!! Right now I am enjoying the warmth of a campfire and the pleasure of new friends.

Tomorrow I am told there WILL be a lot of snow covering the trail. Go GPS!







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  1. Great pic of the lake. You’re livin’ your dream, that makes me smile 🙂

  2. Hyatt Lake Resort…that’s funny. I thought I was going to see photos of the Hyatt Hotel and you relaxing in luxury. However, your dinner and shelter must have been a luxury indeed.

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