July 22 – Sweat and Dirty Feet, Yeah!!!

Man and other civilized animals are the only creatures that ever become dirty.

Seiad Valley to 3 miles after Lowden’s Cabin, mile 1686
24 miles

Sweat means it is warm enough to actually sweat and dirty feet means that the feet are dry enough to actually adhere dirt. Things are looking up!

Campsites in the last few wildernesses have been slim. Largely due to the fact that the PCT stays to the crest and that equals very little flat spots. Tonight I hiked 4 extra miles just to find anything that would due that WAS NOT in the middle of the trail. I lucked out and found the perfect site.

I was not really thrilled with the area I hiked through today. The main water sources are very small springs or I prefer to call them seeps or drips and cow manure litters up both the water sources and trail. Not good.

Tomorrow will bring more snow around Observation Peak I am told. Also I am really excited because I will be crossing the California/Oregon border!

Gear Fav: Power Monkey Explorer – I now do not have to worry about turning my phone off and on all day. I just keep it on in airplane mode. The solar charger works great strapped on my back to recharge the Power Monkey. I recommend this system.

Food Fav: jar of peanut butter!!!! Grab a spoon and eat right out of the jar. Yum.






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  1. wow, what progress… into Oregon!

  2. It was good to have you contact Dan last night as we were sitting at the table chatting. We felt like you were there with us. Off to Oregon, woo hoo!

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