July 22 – Land of Lakes

Destined to be an old woman with no regrets!

Lonesome Lake to Pipestone Lake
22 miles

After hiking through the dry and desolate basin, this journal entry might seem a bit of an exaggeration. For that reason I have included a couple photos of the topographical maps of the areas we have been trekking through. Lakes, lakes, and more lakes!!!! At every turn another crystal blue lake unfolds. This was especially special for me. I am known for swimming in many a cold lake in the Sierras. We had to have walked by at least 30 lakes and I managed to find the time to dip into 4 of them. Heaven!

During our afternoon break, the group managed to bring up the popular and frequently talked about subject of pooping on the trail. This is indeed an important issue on-trail. We all compared and shared how we are currently digging proper cat holes. What resulted was a cat hole digging competition between Stryder’s U Dig It shovel and Love Note’s .3 ounce titanium shovel. Trail entertainment at it’s finest. The official results of the competition are still under review.








  1. Lovin’ the scenery. Heading out on Friday to Tuolumne Meadows area for six days. Can’t wait. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.

  2. Nancy Helm Weeks

    What gorgeous scenery! I love your intro quote!!

  3. Wow – more spectacular photos.
    Sounds like you should join the Polar Bear Club with all that high altitude swimming. I love glacial lake swimming too – I’m never sorry after, no matter how cold the dip, so that’s why I always do!

  4. The Beekeeper (aka Jan aka roaming angel in bright pink hat)

    Ahhhh happiness is lakes and mountains and WILDFLOWERS!!!! so glad you got a change of scenery and hiking terrain. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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