July 20 – Shelter Cove…the devil

The longest journey begins with a single step, not with a turn of the ignition key. That’s the best thing about walking, the journey itself. It doesn’t matter whether you get where you’re going or not. You’ll get there anyway. Every good hike brings you eventually back home. Right where you started.
~Edward Abbey

Diamond View Lake to tarn north of Bobby Lake – Willamette National Forest
19.5 miles

I have sent 3 different resupply boxes to Shelter Cove through the years in hopes of hiking on through Oregon. Two of them were never picked-up.

The first one in 2011, I simply missed my family and got off the trail at Crater Lake. The second one in 2012, I started at Crater Lake and was turned around due to snow. This year I sent the box to Shelter Cove in June in hopes of starting hiking in Oregon. Well that was even delayed.

You can’t blame Dan and I for referring to Shelter Cove Resort, as the devil.

I am happy to announce that I now have picked my box up, showered, washed my clothes, used the Shelter Cove store wi fi, and thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful little diamond in the woods. Even Face-timed with my good friend Wired on the Appalachian Trail on the deck of the resort.

The hike into Shelter Cove this morning started with a pretty impressive sunrise, golden sunlight, and spider web art. The hike after Odell Lake was met with views of lake basins. I am really looking forward to tomorrow as I will be hiking in Three Sisters Wilderness.

Sunrise - Diamond View Lake
Sunrise – Diamond View Lake


Early morning spider art
Early morning spider art
So glad to finally visit this place - Shelter cover
So glad to finally visit this place – Shelter cover
Odell Lake
Odell Lake
Shelter Cove Store
Shelter Cove Store
Count the lakes.
Count the lakes.


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  1. If at first you don’t succeed, try – try again. Or in this case finally make it there. Glad the Devil actually turned out to be a jewel.

  2. annathrax

    I dont know if you know blogger and pct’er carrot quinn, but she was just there at around same time you must have been. Have you met her on the trail??

    • I just missed that group by a 1/2 a day the whole time. Largely because I took the fire detour and others skipped around. It would have been fun to meet them.

  3. You made it! It’s no longer the “devil”. 🙂 I enjoy reading Edward Abbey and the quote above was perfect for this post. Nice spider web photo.

  4. I lived in Oregon for several years. Never
    stayed home …explored and hiked myself to heaven ! It reminded me somewhat of New Zealand’s South Island
    Enjoy…Enjoy !

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