July 20 – Not Easy But Should Be

In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Marble Rim Trail to end of road at Girder Creek (Marble Mountain Wilderness)
18.4 miles

Camping in the middle of the trail was a BAD IDEA. You see trails during the night become main thruway for animals like deer and bear. My tent was a surprise for all of them. The guys above me even got a visit from the bear that visited me in the night, snorting and stomping. Again I am thankful.

Today should have been easy. I had planned for fewer miles and it had quite a bit of downhill to set myself up for going into Seiad Valley to resupply tomorrow.The trail goes right through the town and is at 1300 elevation. Very low. I felt very sleepy and sore from the day before. My hips and knees even hurt and my legs felt like tree trunks. After a long day I am going to sleep at 7:00 gladly. Oh the trail today was in healthy deep forest with soft dirt for trail and my campsite is NOT in the middle of the trail!

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