July 2 – Back IN

Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer, climb the mountains and get their good tidings, nature’s peace will flow into you, as sunshine flows into trees, the wind will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
~John Muir

2 Zero Days

My pack is full with good food, CLEAN clothes, and more importantly I am clean and scrubbed! Two resupply boxes have been sent. I am ready to go as Steve Martin would say. My heart rate is up just thinking about getting back into the Sierras.

I have a new strategy with my daily clothes selection, since I have NOT been successful at remaining even close to decently free of giant sweat and dirt stains. The strategy is simple… wear only beige, brown, and black (you know the natural colors)! This clearly IS wishful thinking. Probably, this little philosophy is more appropriate for today.

She travels grubbiest who travels light.
~ Erma Bombeck

I am looking forward later today to a steak salad ( gotta get the salads in) at Tioga Toomies at the Tioga Pass Mobil Station and seeing new country. Please stay tuned while I begin this new leg of my journey. Oh by the way, I would be glad to answer questions anyone may be wondering about, hiking of course.


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  1. Hey Rockin’, congratulations AGAIN on completion of yet another leg of the PCT. Ahh, those wonderful calorie injections that come at the end of a multi-day packback trip — and with all the miles you put in in a day, they are most deserved! Stay healthy; stay strong! I can feel your excitement resonating through your trip entry as you return to the Sierras! Fantastic!!!!
    I was in REI Sat. looking at hiking pants pondering the very subject you write of, and that’s what color for my new pants. Yes, I would like to get away from beige and green, but alas, the dirt, oh the dirt — so practicality won out….again. The mountains themselves offer all the flamboyance we need. Tis true. lol I’m thinking hard about the sun gloves you wrote about. Short of looking like a Bedouin, I’m always looking for ways to keep the sun from parching my skin.
    God Bless you and Dan! Happy Trails and thanks for sharing. Lovin the pics! They are beautiful and some make me laugh and gasp.
    P.S. that melted sign…WOW! And what did you call that…a shade tree..hahahaha. 😉

    • Kerry you are always so energetic! Found out that the melted sign was from a forest fire. The forest service had not replaced it yet. The day I took that pic felt like the heat of a forest fire!
      Hey, black and gray pants work also if you want a change. I just found that the light colored beige was a dirt nightmare and showed EVERYTHING! 🙁

  2. Hi Rockin’. I’m going to be thru hiking the PCT with Addy next year and we are both testing out the Vapor Ki backpack. How are you liking it?

    • Hello Erin. I am so jealous of you guys being able to do the whole trail in one season. I am so hoping that the snow will not be such a problem for PCTers next year! I will be writing a gear review for the pack and tents soon! Thank you for reading!

  3. I like your new strategy on the clean clothes. Beige is the new … something. And hold onto that wishful thinking!

    I’m really enjoying reading about your travels. Keep it up!

    • Guess what????? the beige and the black ensemble WORKED totally! I even completed the look with a BROWN Patagonia Wool 1 t-shirt that I recommend highly. The t-shirt was VERY lightweight, did not stink, very cool in hot weather, and dried within minutes! Oh and fit well too. Can’t get better than that. 🙂

  4. karen halvorsen

    today I read your journal of July 2. As it is July 4 today will wish you a happy fourth. I am going to Emily”s July 15. and take Bryn shopping. Emily and kiddos too. I haven’t gotten my Physical Therapist o key but I am gradually using my arm more. Travel safely. Love Mom

  5. What kind of Injinji socks did you get? I got a set of the CoolMax liners, but they are too thick. Next I got a pair of the NuBamboo liners and like them better, because they are thinner.

    Other question, how’s it feel to abandon health food and load up on junk food?

    • Hello Carrine! Thank you for the questions. I tried to address the sock question in What am I Doing. Hope that helps. The second question is REALLY hard to answer. After hiking about at 3 to 4 weeks the body needs calories and burns EVERYTHING and I found that I wasn’t particular about much of anything. Just going with the flow. I did add fresh food: apples, oranges, cheese, peanut butter, and carrots from the small markets to my resupply food when I could. Next year I will change up a few things and not be afraid to haul a bag of lettuce and up the calorie intake!

  6. Barbara Tieskoetter

    Happy 4th Rockin’ Enjoy your steak salad. Is Dan still with you? Or is the final leg of your journey a solo? Am enjoying your trip vicariously and once again, so pleased to know that you’re living your dream!

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