July 19 – It is a Carpet Ride

“I am always glad to touch the living rock again and dip my head in the high mountain sky. …plain, sky, mountains ray beauty which you feel. You bathe in these spirit-beams turning round and round, as if warming at a campfire. Presently you lose consciousness of your own separate existence: you blend with the landscape, and become part and parcel of nature.”
-John Muir

North of Tipsoo Peak to Diamond View Lake – Diamond Peak Wilderness
30.3 miles

My head hit the pillow last night and I was out. So much so I slept in a whole hour, which rarely happens on the trail.

The trail was gentle, well-maintained and had literally no rocks. Cruise I did.

So much so I fell 2 times today simply not paying attention and tripped over my own feet. Easy = Dangerous

At Windigo Pass I met PCTer, Root beer Float and hiked with him a few hours. He is a retired fireman that hikes about 40 miles everyday. He moves. Fast.

Tonight I enjoyed a quick swim and watched the sunset, while eating dinner at the little gem, Diamond View Lake. Pretty amazing. I am even the only person at this lake. So rare.

In the morning I will be visiting Shelter Cove Resort at Odell Lake to resupply, do quick laundry, Internet stuff, and shower.

Morning views
Morning views
More views
More views
Can the trees get any taller?
Can the trees get any taller?
Tree love
Tree love
Sunset - Diamond View Lake
Sunset – Diamond View Lake


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  1. Looks like I’ll miss seeing you on my OST hike this weekend. Happy trails!


  2. Great photos! Really beautiful stuff.

  3. Steven Paris

    Rockin’, Just one more person following and rooting you on through Oregon. I’m off on a trip at the end of July but if you need something in northern Oregon before that, I’d be glad to help. Good luck!

  4. 40 miles every day! My husband will soon be a retired firefighter but he will probably never hike 40 miles at once. Love the tree photos.

  5. Be very cautious with the updated
    fire conditions.
    Northwest wildfires char a million acres

    a concerned reader……Brian

  6. Deebie Brown

    I mean stroll on some piece of pct.
    Ok proof reading would help

  7. Deebie Brown

    Oh if i send you my phone # would it be somewhat private?
    Ill bet there are great trail angels around here anyway.
    You definately have angels with you.
    So very cool what youre doing, and so blessed to have a body and spirit that can. I will stroll a bit on sime piece of it today
    Happy trails
    Oh i dont really know how blog comments work but guess youd email if there was a need

  8. Deebie Brown

    Wow, what a quote, what a days walk.
    Im only an hour amd a half away from you. Was gonna get up early and wrire snd ask you if there is anything you need from Bend, which i doubt. But youre probably on your way. I miss being an unofficial trail helper in tehachapi.
    So glad youre back on pct. Its like picking up a good book i had 2 stop reading 2 years ago. So impressed with you drive, spirit and nature love.
    I will be in oregon flexible and with car and schedule for at least 10 more days in case of emergency or even regular needs. Would be a joy to help and would just influence my day hike area for the day. (though im sure you have it covered) Anyway, thanks for the vicarious adventure. Mine are so much
    tamer and lazy.
    Loving spirit light to your feet today.
    Deebie (formerly of tehachapi and cci and little sandy mtn section off of 58…my refuge and foot healer place)

    • Thank you Deebie for your offers of help. Hope your travels are safe and you heal quickly. I will say hi to Dan. Thanks for following along and sharing your thoughts.


  9. Loving this account Christy.

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