July 19 – Big Courage

Oh the simple things.
– Forest Ranger at Etna Summit

Etna to Marble Rim Trail (Marble Mountain Wilderness)
23.2 miles

A very kind Forest Ranger gave me a ride from Etna back to the trail. He gave me all kinds of great info on the area and was impressed of my simple approach to things. One of his favorite views is from Etna Summit looking toward the Salmon River Valley. Unfortunately the view for me was obscured both times at the summit, by fog of course.

Today I entered into Marble Mountain Wilderness. It was one of the areas that was hit really hard with snow and had some interesting snow crossings. There was a point today that I felt very scared to cross a long traverse that was pretty vertical. There were steps from the tall Colorado guys, but that really doesn’t work for me. Strategy: take 5 hours if I need it and kick in my own steps and don’t look down. Just about the time I was half way Ben came up behind and that just was what I needed to get more courage up. A big answer to prayer.

Because of the snow crossings and the absence of a place to camp we hiked late and longer than what was comfortable. The Colorado guys camped on a ridge 10 minutes behind me and I plopped myself right in the middle of the trail.

The scenery today was spectacular and the weather as perfect for hiking. I feel very thankful for my safety today and hoping for safe snow crossings tomorrow.







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