July 18 PCT – Sure Spectacle Photo Day

Ridge Lake to mile 2420 – 22.2 miles

Alpine Lakes Wilderness

All photo day! Enjoy! It was a beaut.




  1. Awesomeness! Rock’n that umbrella. Way cool photos 😀

  2. Georgette Theotig

    The scenery is eye-popping, and your photos are gorgeous. You are both so lucky to have clear skies to see this magnificent landscape. Enjoy every moment!

  3. Yes, spectacular! I should have saved yesterday’s “wow” comment for today. I’m sure glad you do these long distance hikes because you’re a fantastic photographer.

  4. Spectacular beauty!

  5. !2,400! Awesome for you Rockin’. The dream is coming true. I see your big toes got hammered from the too-small shoes. I do dig your umbrella setup; very cool literally.

    You two are definitely hammering it too at over 20M per day. Keep on Rockin’!

  6. Those are some mighty stylin’ and customized Injinjis! 😉


  7. I remember the first day out of Snoqualmie being one of my happiest on the PCT. In “town” it was socked in, rainy, and we did not want to go out into it. On the climb out we got above the clouds, with a great view of Rainier and entered the magical wonderland of Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Enjoy!

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