July 17 PCT – Snoqualmie Nero and Chills

We wanted to make good time, with the emphasis on good and not time. Pirsig, ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE

Snoqualmie to Ridge Lake –  7.78 miles

Thoroughly satisfied after eating breakfast and lunch at Aardvark’s, along with being squeaky clean, we headed up an out at 1:00 pm.

The trail is no joke going north out of Snoqualmie. 3000 feet up in just a few miles. In fact, this whole next 70 mile section has big swings of elevation gains and losses.

That means only one thing, “Welcome to the North Cascades!”

As I climbed today, I felt full and had chills of happiness. The mountains changed and I along with them.

We had planned to hike about 10 miles today, but quickly changed our minds after seeing Ridge Lake. At 4:30 we lazily hung out at the lake, soaking our feet in the lovely sun, and just relaxed.

The sun has just set, the first visible one of this trip.

This day will be imprinted in my memory.


Aardvark’s Selection of Hot Sauces


Awesome Fresh Healthy and Delicious Food


New Views


Loving these Mountains


More to Come




Ridge Lake



  1. There’s always sunshine after the rain! Glad to hear this leg is off to such bright start : )

  2. crackedcrown

    Just love your photos! Quality stuff. Are they all taken with the Lumix or does the iPhone get a go every now and then?

    • Christy "Rockin'" Rosander

      All taken with the Lumix. I transfer photos from the camera to my phone at night in the tent, then post them using WordPress app.

  3. Glorious sunshine and views. Life’s good.

  4. Sounds really good; great food, beautiful mountains, very nice trail with wildflowers, and a great stop at Ridge Lake with view!.

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