July 16 – FOG

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
~Langston Hughes

Bull Lake to creeklet below Eagle Peak (Trinity Alps Wilderness)
23.7 miles

I was pretty much in a fog the whole day… literally!  I woke to a blanket that all but made Bull Lake disappear. Definitely fog delay material in my teacher world. Packing up was REALLY special with all wet gear and the tent feeling like a dirty dish rag. This weather has been crazy and would be normal for an early fall trip, but this is July. Rain, wind, cold, and FOG. I have a great campsite tonight that I think at one time was a house of some type. Check out the wheelbarrow pic. Crazy spagetti!

There were quite a few extremes today. Easy trail, bear scat on the trail at regular intervals for a few miles, the most beautiful field of bear grass I have ever encountered, coolest hand built shelter I have ever seen, section of the ugliest forest at the beginning of Trinity Alps Wilderness, 2 stream crossings (one I slipped and both shoes went in), long unpleasant uphill section, sunny for an hour, snow was back on the trail, saw no one all day until 4:00 then saw about 30 high schoolers backpacking with a camp, and worst of all I kept getting turned around direction wise because of the fog (very scary).

It does not get dark here until 8:30 and there has been a very bright moon lighting up my tent each night, so I think I am going to change up my early start time at least until the temperatures go back to normal. Yeah!

Gear Fav: Steri Pen water purifier. Fast, easy, reliable, light, and doesn’t alter the taste of water

Food Fav: Justins Organic Peanut Butter Honey packets. You can get them cheap at Target.






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