July 15 – Yes Virginia there really are flat trails

And remember the facts: if you’re well equipped, and of sound mind and body, the wilderness is one of the safest places you can be.

Gumboot Lake to Bull Lake (Castle Crags Wilderness
24 miles

So right now I am really trying to believe what Kristin says. You see outside my tent it is raining hard and thunder and lightning are loud and near. My plans for a leisurely evening fell apart in a matter of minutes. On the positive side I am warm, dry, and have a full stomach ( largely because I just raided tomorrow’s food allotment).

Readers I think today gets the award of the flattest trail miles in the mountains. I walked 24 miles on trail that ranged in elevation from 6100 to 7000 feet. The trail followed the crest with spanning views of the snow-covered Trinity Alps undulating between one gem of a lake and numerous creeklets. The day was cool with amazing cloud formations.

After hiking about 4 miles this morning I decided to eat my afternoon Snickers bar while walking. I glanced over to the ridge beside the trail and there was a couple sitting outside their tent in sleeping bags enjoying the sunrise. Stunning. They looked like a picture on cover of BACKPACKER Magazine.

Gear Fav of the Day: Hiking skirt that I bought at Costco. It has little shorts under the skirt. It is very comfortable. I love it.

Food Fav: Jelly Belly Sports Beans cherry flavor with caffeine. This is my secret for hiking long miles without getting cranky.

So can anyone identify the red flower below?






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  1. Yellowstone

    Hi!! So glad to read your posts. Thank you for sharing. Where do you get the perfect quotes every time you write? I love them.
    The flower: Are those the leaves? If so, could be a lousewort of some kind? Sort of looks like it could be… the flower petals are not uniform, the leaves are compound and deeply toothed.
    Best to you

    • YELLOWSTONE! Good to hear from you. Glad you are enjoying the quotes. I just collect them over time and have them on my phone. That just might be the name of the flower. Hope you are doing well. Thank you for reading fellow PCTer.

  2. Love the pictures, especially the one of the lake through the feet! Nice painted toes! Love rain when it is warm, not so nice when it is cold. Glad to hear from you, and also received a call from Dan with a report. Do hope weather improves and the next leg goes well. Forgot to say that I sent John on a mission to identify the plants.

  3. Love the pictures, especially the one of the lake through the feet! Nice painted toes! Love rain when it is warm, not so nice when it is cold. Glad to hear from you, and also received a call from Dan with a report. Do hope weather improves and the next leg goes well.

  4. Is it a snow plant at the end of its blooming cycle?

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