July 15 PCT – Things are Looking Up


View from Tonight’s Camp

Just start walking -Stealthy

Mile 2339.31 to 2365  – 25.89 miles

It was a social day.

I cannot express how fun it is to see other hikers coming up the trail. You see, Stealthy (Bryn has fully taken on this name) is always about 1/4 mile ahead of me. By the time hikers come upon me, they know all kinds of info she has passed along. Today she even gave a south-bounder a trail name, Mantas because of how he was using his poles. She also talked to OCD, a physical therapist and got all kinds of tips for helping her knees and feet.

She is friendly and positive with others. I just smile.

Both our bodies are feeling better and we are settling into somewhat of a routine. We are sleeping like rocks and love all our food, especially our dinners.

The terrain today again followed ridges, but through old logging areas. The springs were clear, cold and running freely.

We decided to hike a bit more miles today and tomorrow to set us up for getting to Snoqualalemie Pass tomorrow night for showers, dinner, and laundry. It is going to be very fun.

Oh and other fantastic news, Stealthy found out today that she passed the RICA test she took right before hitting the trail. It is an entrance test for getting an elementary credential.

Tonight we are perched on a ridge with an amazing view and the promise of a wonderful sunrise.


Urich Meadow


Burn Area


Ideal Spring


Perfect Campsite: good water, flat soft level ground, a view, and wildflowers

Another Beautiful Spring



  1. Spectacular beauty.

  2. Hey Stealthy, congrats on this most recent test. You are on your way!

    Glad you both are settling in to your rhythm.

  3. Marilyn Crabtree

    Your pictures are amazing and I’m enjoying them so much. I know Bryn from the UCO and enjoy following her and you on this trip. Truly amazing.

  4. : )

  5. What joy for you and your daughter. This trip report warms my heart. I hope i have this with my daughter when she grows up!

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