July 15 – Fun in the Basin


Water source to A&M Reservoir
30.8 miles

Photo Journal Day!















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  1. Wow – quite the photo journal day! I love the leopard tights and the “roadkill” sleeping bag shots especially!

  2. 30+!! Pretty awesome photos.

  3. John Donaldson

    Looked for black footed ferrets in that country while I worked at Badlands. Not much to see, but I was out at night, so couldn’t see that much country.

  4. Georgette Theotig

    Wow, I love the wide-open spaces of Wyoming! The road seems to go on into infinity. Also, sage brush will be your companion in this state. Enjoy the distant hills and big sky.

  5. Rockin and Crew, I enjoy your blog and have been following your adventures since your early PCT days. Recently your CDT posts in CO and now WY spoke of the wind, rain and now the heat of the Great Basin. On several flights to/from LAX and London recently I was flying right over you guys and and could see the epic storms and the dry wasteland north of Rawlins. I put together a few photos from 36,000′. And yes, you are right under the plane and I have a front row seat. https://picasaweb.google.com/104748148297055256482/CDTAerialJuly1513?authkey=Gv1sRgCO7G6JPVosWFIg
    I hope this link works. Top left is the towering thunderstorms. Top right is the “desert” of WY leading out of Rawlins. Bottom are the red radar returns of the storms. Rawlins is between LARamie and rOCSprings on the screen. If you look close to the bottom center of the screen is CZI. CZI stands for Crazy Woman (yes it really does). How fitting. Thanks for sharing all your crazy exploits with us. I launch on my southbound solo JMT on the 30th of July. Thanks for all the tips and advice. You and Wired have been a great inspiration.
    Cheers, Dave.
    Hike4Ward.com will go live on the 30th.

    • This is so cool and scary. Thank you Dave. I am adding your photo to my next blog entry. Thank you for taking the time to put this together and share. The 30th is just right around the corner. Love love the JMT! Hope your trip is just the best.

  6. Sally/Arrow

    That Basin doesn’t look too fun but the new tights do

  7. My wife has struggled while hiking on hot days. Strangely enough she recently found that breathing through her nose really helped – a lot. Marty Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:23:42 +0000 To: [email protected]

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